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Testing migration summary 2013-09-20 (Friday)

On 2013-09-20 (Friday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                         version               previous
  alembic                                0.4.2+ds-3.1          0.4.2+ds-2.1
  autopkgtest                            2.3.3                 2.3.2
  binutils                         2.22-8
  binutils-mingw-w64                     3                     2
  buildbot                               0.8.7p1-2             0.8.7p1-1
  caps                                   0.9.16-2              0.9.16-1
  cinder                                 2013.1.3-1            2013.1.2-1
  django-taggit                          0.10a1-3              (not in testing)
  djangorestframework                    2.3.7-1               (not in testing)
  dmz-cursor-theme                       0.4.4                 0.4.3
  epigrass                               2.3.1-1               2.2.2-1
  eureka                                 1.00-2                (not in testing)
  eztrace                                0.9.1-2               0.7-2-5
  freebsd-glue                           0.1.5                 0.1.3
  gap-gdat                               4r6p5-1               4r4p10-1
  gcc-4.6                                4.6.4-4               4.6.4-2
  gcc-4.8                                4.8.1-10              4.8.1-2
  gdnsd                                  1.10.0-1              1.9.0-1
  geoclue                                0.12.99-3             0.12.99-2
  glance                                 2013.1.3-1            2013.1.2-2
  gtkpod                                 2.1.4-1               2.1.3-5
  heat                                   2013.1.3-1            2013.1.2-2
  imap-acl-extension                     0.2.5-1               0.2.2-1
  ivy                                    2.3.0-3               2.3.0-2
  kdeadmin                               4:4.10.5-2            4:4.10.5-1
  kdesdk                                 4:4.10.5+dfsg-2       4:4.10.5+dfsg-1
  kdetoys                                4:4.10.5-2            4:4.10.5-1
  keystone                               2013.1.3-1            2012.1.1-13+wheezy1
  libalien-sdl-perl                      1.440-3               1.440-1
  libcam-pdf-perl                        1.60-1                1.59-1
  libclone-perl                          0.35-1                0.34-1
  libcommons-collections3-java           3.2.1-6               3.2.1-5
  libev                                  1:4.15-3              1:4.15-2
  libexporter-declare-perl               0.113-1               0.106-1
  libglib-object-introspection-perl      0.015-1               0.014-2
  libgtk3-perl                           0.011-1               0.006-2
  liblog-contextual-perl                 0.006000-1            0.00304-1
  liblog-dispatch-array-perl             1.002-1               1.001-1
  liblog-dispatch-configurator-any-perl  1.122640-1            1.110690-1
  liblog-dispatch-perl                   2.41-1                2.32-1
  liblog-dispatchouli-perl               2.006-1               2.005-1
  libmodule-load-conditional-perl        0.58-1                (not in testing)
  libpackage-stash-perl                  0.36-1                0.35-1
  libswarmcache-java                     1.0RC2+cvs20071027-7  1.0RC2+cvs20071027-6
  libtest-mock-redis-perl                0.14-1                0.08-1
  libxkbcommon                           0.3.1-2               0.3.1-1
  meta-kde                               5:81                  5:80
  migrate                                0.7.2-6               0.7.2-3
  mrs                                    6.0.4+dfsg-1          (not in testing)
  newt                                   0.52.15-3             0.52.15-2
  nova                                   2013.1.3-1            2012.1.1-18
  ogre-1.8                               1.8.0+dfsg1-6         1.8.0+dfsg1-4
  openvpn                                2.3.2-5               2.3.2-4
  php-json                               1.3.2-1               1.3.1+dfsg-3
  pmtools                                1.40-1                1.30-1
  postgresql-common                      149                   148
  postgresql-debversion                  1.0.7-3               1.0.6-1
  proxytunnel                            1.9.0-6               1.9.0-5
  pycarddav                              0.5.1-1               0.5.0-1
  python-couleur                         0.5.0-1               (not in testing)
  python-django-openstack-auth           1.0.11-1              1.0.6+20130426+git+fcee315e16-1
  python-docutils                        0.11-2                0.10-3
  python-dogpile.cache                   0.5.0-1               (not in testing)
  python-dogpile.core                    0.4.1+dfsg1-1         (not in testing)
  python-hp3parclient                    2.0.0-1               1.0.0-2
  python-jsonpath-rw                     1.2.0-1               (not in testing)
  python-libdiscid                       0.3.1-1               0.3-1
  python-misaka                          1.0.2-1               (not in testing)
  python-mox3                            0.7.0-1               (not in testing)
  python-pip                             1.4.1-2               1.4.1-1
  python-sqlsoup                         0.9.0+dfsg-1          (not in testing)
  python-steadymark                      0.4.5-1               (not in testing)
  python-sure                            1.2.2-1               (not in testing)
  qlandkartegt                           1.7.3-1               1.7.1-1
  quantum                                2013.1.3-1            2013.1.2-1
  redir                                  2.2.1-11              2.2.1-10
  ruby-rack-flash3                       1.0.5-1               (not in testing)
  solarpowerlog                          0.24-4                0.24-2
  sqlalchemy                             0.8.2-1               0.7.9-1
  stardict-english-czech                 20130901-1            20130801-1
  starpu-contrib                         1.0.5-1               1.0.1-4
  stellarium                             0.12.3-1              0.12.2-1
  swig2.0                                2.0.10-1              2.0.9-1
  tarantool                       1.4.9+20130415.1808-1
  telepathy-gabble                       0.18.1-1              0.18.0-1
  texmaker                               4.0.4-1               4.0.3-2
  wesnoth-1.10                           1:1.10.7-1            1:1.10.6-2
  wsjtx                                  1.1.r3496-3           (not in testing)
  xutils-dev                             1:7.7+1               1:7.7~1
  z80ex                                  1.1.21-1              1.1.20rev1-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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