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Testing migration summary 2013-09-19 (Thursday)

On 2013-09-19 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                     version           previous
  at                                 3.1.14-1          3.1.13-2
  bibus                              1.5.2-3           1.5.2-2
  castle-game-engine                 4.1.1-1           4.0.1-1
  clsync                             0.1-1             (not in testing)
  compactheader                      2.0.8-1           2.0.7-1
  dput-ng                            1.6               1.5
  epiphany-browser                   3.8.2-3           3.4.2-2.1
  fonts-smc                          5.0.1-4           5.0.1-2
  funnelweb                          3.2-5             3.2-4.2
  hunspell-br                        0.11-1            (not in testing)
  icinga-web                         1.9.1+dfsg1-1     1.9.0+dfsg1-3
  ircd-hybrid                        1:8.1.7.dfsg.1-1  1:8.0.9.dfsg.1-2
  jxplorer                           3.3.2+dfsg-2      3.3.2+dfsg-1
  latexila                           2.8.3-1           2.8.2-1
  libanyevent-perl                   7.050-1           7.040-3
  libburn                            1.3.2-1           1.2.2-2
  libconfig-model-tester-perl        2.044-1           2.043-1
  libencode-perl                     2.54-1            2.52-1
  libgeo-googleearth-pluggable-perl  0.15-2            0.15-1
  libgraph-d3-perl                   0.03-1            (not in testing)
  libgraph-perl                      1:0.96-1          1:0.91-1
  libgtop2                           2.28.5-2          2.28.4-3
  libisoburn                         1.3.2-1           1.2.2-2
  libisofs                           1.3.2-1           1.2.2-1
  libmath-planepath-perl             110-1             109-1
  libmime-charset-perl               1.010.1-1         1.010-1
  libmime-encwords-perl              1.014.2-1         1.014-1
  libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl      0.91+dfsg-1       0.88+dfsg-1
  libnet-twitter-lite-perl           0.12004-1         0.12002-3
  libsdl2-image                      2.0.0+dfsg-3      2.0.0+dfsg-2
  libtest-aggregate-perl             0.370-1           0.368-1
  libtest-cpan-meta-yaml-perl        0.22-1            0.20-1
  libtest-deep-unorderedpairs-perl   0.003-1           (not in testing)
  libtest-file-sharedir-perl         0.3.3-1           0.3.1-1
  libtest-harness-perl               3.28-1            (not in testing)
  libtest-kwalitee-perl              1.14-1            1.01-1
  libtest-tester-perl                0.109-1           0.108-1
  libtest-www-selenium-perl          1.36-1            1.33-1
  libtest-xml-simple-perl            1.04-1            1.01-1
  libuuid-perl                       0.05-1            0.02-5
  live-installer                     44                42
  lvmcfg                             1.32              1.31
  mbtserver                          0.7-3             0.6-1
  mdcfg                              1.43              1.42
  mingw-w64                          3.0~svn6246-1     3.0~svn5915-1
  mirmon                             2.9-1             2.8-3
  mysql-utilities                    1.3.5-1           1.1.2-1
  network-console                    1.46              1.45
  nobootloader                       1.41              1.40
  openrocket                         13.09.1           13.05.3
  partconf                           1.43              1.42
  partitioner                        0.52              0.51
  partman-auto-crypto                22                21
  partman-auto-lvm                   51                50
  partman-auto-raid                  24                23
  partman-base                       169               168
  partman-btrfs                      13                12
  partman-crypto                     61                60
  partman-efi                        39                38
  partman-ext2r0                     1.30              1.29
  partman-jfs                        41                40
  partman-lvm                        87                86
  partman-md                         67                66
  partman-nbd                        0.21              0.20
  partman-newworld                   31                30
  partman-partitioning               94                93
  partman-prep                       27                26
  partman-target                     86                85
  partman-xfs                        53                52
  plasmidomics                       0.2.0-3           0.2.0-2
  prep-installer                     0.22              0.21
  preseed                            1.62              1.61
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-apache    0.9.0-1           (not in testing)
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt       1.2.0-1           (not in testing)
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-concat    1.0.0-1           (not in testing)
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-ntp       2.0.1-1           (not in testing)
  python-pycadf                      0.1.5-1           (not in testing)
  python-pyghmi                      0.5.0-1           (not in testing)
  quik-installer                     0.0.36            0.0.35
  r-cran-rms                         4.0-0-1           3.6-3-2
  r-cran-wdi                         2.4-1             (not in testing)
  rescue                             1.41              1.40
  roundcube                          0.9.4-1           0.9.2-2
  ruby-soap4r                        2.0.5-2           (not in testing)
  sage-extension                     1.5.2-2           1.4.12-3
  sibyl-installer                    1.28              1.27
  silo-installer                     1.27              1.26
  sugar-artwork-0.96                 0.96.2-2          0.96.2-1
  supermin                           4.1.5-1           4.1.3-1
  user-setup                         1.52              1.51
  wayland                            1.2.1-1           1.1.0-2
  webauth                            4.5.5-2           4.5.3-5
  webkit2pdf                         0.2-5             0.2-4
  webkitgtk                          2.0.4-5           2.0.4-2
  x11proto-video                     2.3.2-1           2.3.1-2
  xfonts-jmk                         3.0-20            3.0-19
  xserver-xorg-input-keyboard        1:1.7.0-1         1:1.6.1-1
  xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse         1:13.0.0-1        1:12.9.0-1
  yaboot-installer                   1.1.29            1.1.28
  zipl-installer                     0.0.25            0.0.24

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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