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Testing migration summary 2013-09-16 (Monday)

On 2013-09-16 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                  version                     previous
  alglib                          3.8.0-3                     3.7.0-7
  arcboot-installer               1.22                        1.21
  avis-client-c                   1.2.4-7                     (not in testing)
  cdebconf-entropy                0.28                        0.27
  cdebconf-terminal               0.22                        0.21
  cdrom-checker                   1.28                        1.27
  cellwriter                      1.3.5-1                     1.3.4-1.1
  dbus                            1.6.14-1                    1.6.12-1
  driconf                         0.9.1-3                     0.9.1-2
  evince                          3.8.3-2                     3.4.0-3.1
  fonts-lohit-orya                         2.5.1-1
  ganglia                         3.6.0-2                     3.6.0-1
  glusterfs                       3.4.0-4                     3.4.0~qa9realybeta3-1
  gnome-documents                 3.8.4-1                     0.4.2-3
  grace                           1:5.1.23-2                  1:5.1.23-1
  gst-fluendo-mp3                 0.10.23.debian-3            0.10.15.debian-1
  htseq                           0.5.4p3-2                   (not in testing)
  imagevis3d                      3.0.0-2                     3.0.0-1
  john                            1.8.0-1                     1.7.8-1
  kde-l10n                        4:4.10.5-2                  4:4.10.5-1
  latex2rtf                       2.3.3-0.3                   2.3.3-0.2
  lemonldap-ng                    1.2.5-1                     1.2.4-2
  libalt-base-perl                0.2-1                       (not in testing)
  libalt-perl                     0.4-1                       (not in testing)
  libapache2-mod-qos              10.19-1                     10.16-1
  libdancer2-perl                 0.09+dfsg-1                 0.07+dfsg-1
  libfolia                        0.10-4.1                    0.9-2
  libgpg-error                    1.12-0.2                    1.10-3.1
  libpwiz                         3.0.4624-1                  (not in testing)
  libtest-valgrind-perl           1.14-1                      1.13-2
  lnav                            0.5.1-2                     (not in testing)
  manpages-fr                     3.53d1p1-1                  3.52d1p1-1
  mediawiki-math                  2:1.0+git20120528-8         2:1.0+git20120528-7
  mercurial                       2.7.1-2                     2.6.3-1
  minetest-mod-moreblocks         0~20130827+gitee1b3025cc-1  (not in testing)
  minetest-mod-moreores           0~20130828+git0977bbc809-1  (not in testing)
  mobile-broadband-provider-info  20130903-1                  20130506-1
  monit                           1:5.6-1                     1:5.5.1-1
  opari2                          1.0.7+dfsg-2                (not in testing)
  percona-xtrabackup              2.1.3-618-1                 (not in testing)
  phoronix-test-suite             4.8.2-1                     4.6.0-1
  pnopaste                        1.4-8                       1.4-7
  python-couchdbkit               0.6.5-1                     0.6.4-1
  python-pgmagick                 0.5.7-1                     0.5.6-1
  python-pyo                      0.6.6+svn1132-2             0.6.6+svn1108-1
  python-pyramid                  1.4.5+dfsg-1                1.4.2+dfsg-1
  python-restkit                  4.2.2-1                     4.2.1-1
  python-socketpool               0.5.3-1                     0.5.2-1
  quilt                           0.60-10                     0.60-9
  ruby-rr                         1.1.2-1                     1.1.1-2
  sabnzbdplus                     0.7.16-1                    0.7.13-1
  smartmontools                   6.2+svn3841-1               5.42+svn3561-3
  texttable                       0.8.1-1                     (not in testing)
  ticcutils                       0.4-5                       0.3-1
  tortoisehg                      2.9-1                       2.8-1
  ucto                            0.5.3-3.1                   0.5.2-2
  web2ldap                        1.1.43~dfsg-1               1.1.31~dfsg-1
  x11-touchscreen-calibrator      0.1-1                       (not in testing)
  xbae                            4.60.4-5                    4.60.4-3
  xen-api-libs                    0.5.2-3.1                   0.5.2-3
  xserver-xorg-input-joystick     1:1.6.2-1                   1:1.6.1-1
  xserver-xorg-input-mouse        1:1.9.0-1                   1:1.7.2-3
  xserver-xorg-input-synaptics    1.7.1-1                     1.6.2-2
  yodl                            3.02.1-1                    3.02.0-1
  yubikey-val                     2.23-2                      2.23-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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