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Testing migration summary 2013-09-14 (Saturday)

On 2013-09-14 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                                     version        previous
  automake-1.14                                      1:1.14-1       (not in testing)
  biomaj                                             1.2.2-2        1.2.1-3
  clj-stacktrace-clojure                             0.2.6-1        (not in testing)
  com-hypirion-io-clojure                            0.3.1-1        (not in testing)
  complete-clojure                                   0.2.2-1        (not in testing)
  core-cache-clojure                                 0.6.2-1        (not in testing)
  davix                                              0.2.2-2        (not in testing)
  entangle                                           0.5.3-1        0.5.2-1
  fai                                                4.0.8          4.0.7
  fex                                                20130805-1     20130510-1
  flac                                               1.3.0-2        1.3.0-1
  gfal2                                              2.3.0-2        2.2.1-2
  gupnp-tools                                        0.8.7-1
  hwloc                                              1.7.2-1        1.7.1-1
  hwloc-contrib                                      1.7.2-2        1.7.1-1
  jackson-annotations                                2.2.2-1        (not in testing)
  libbio-primerdesigner-perl                         0.07-3         0.07-2
  libcatalyst-action-serialize-data-serializer-perl  1.08-2         1.08-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-ajaxupload-perl          0.0.3-4        0.0.3-3
  libcgroup                                          0.38-2         0.38-1
  libdancer-perl                                     1.3117+dfsg-2  1.3117+dfsg-1
  liblexical-var-perl                                0.009-1        (not in testing)
  libmango-perl                                      0.12-1         (not in testing)
  libmime-types-perl                                 1.38-1         1.35-1
  libquvi-scripts                                    0.4.18-1       0.4.17-1
  libvoikko                                          3.6.1-2        3.6-2
  libzdb                                             2.11.3-1       2.11.2-1
  logrotate                                          3.8.6-1        3.8.5-1
  lrcalc                                             1.1.7-1        (not in testing)
  lttng-modules                                      2.3.0-1        2.3.0~rc1-1
  lua-lpty                                           1.0.1-1        (not in testing)
  meterec                                            0.9.2~ds0-1    0.9.1~ds0-1
  modem-manager-gui                                  0.0.16-2       (not in testing)
  otrs2                                              3.2.10-2       3.2.9-2
  parsley                                            1.2-1          1.1-1
  pdfposter                                          0.6.0-1        0.5.0-2
  pegjs                                              0.7.0-1        (not in testing)
  python-oauthlib                                    0.5.1-1        0.5.0-1
  python-schroot                                     0.3-1          (not in testing)
  qt4reactor                                         1.0-1          (not in testing)
  qtquickcontrols-opensource-src                     5.1.1-1        (not in testing)
  qtserialport-opensource-src                        5.1.1-1        (not in testing)
  r-bioc-affyio                                      1.28.0-1       (not in testing)
  r-bioc-biocinstaller                               1.10.3-1       (not in testing)
  r-bioc-iranges                                     1.18.3-1       (not in testing)
  r-bioc-preprocesscore                              1.22.0-1       (not in testing)
  r-cran-fastcluster                                 1.1.11-1       (not in testing)
  ruby-cassiopee                                     0.1.10-1       0.1.9-1
  ruby-packetfu                                      1.1.8-1        (not in testing)
  ruby-pcaprub                                       0.11.3-1       (not in testing)
  ruby-slim                                          2.0.1-1        2.0.0~pre6-1
  ruby-text                                          1.2.1-1        1.0.3-1
  shellex                                            0.1-1          (not in testing)
  six                                                1.4.1-1        1.3.0-1
  tdbc                                               1.0.0-1        (not in testing)
  tdbcmysql                                          1.0.0-1        (not in testing)
  tdbcodbc                                           1.0.0-1        (not in testing)
  tdbcpostgres                                       1.0.0-1        (not in testing)
  tdbcsqlite3                                        1.0.0-1        (not in testing)
  tornadio2                                          0.0.4-1        (not in testing)
  ttf-tagbanwa                                       1.005          1.004
  ufraw                                              0.19.2-2       0.19.2-1
  versioneer-clojure                                 0.1.1-1        (not in testing)
  wordpress                                          3.6.1+dfsg-1   3.5.2+dfsg-1
  zope2.13                                           2.13.21-1      2.13.20-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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