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Testing migration summary 2013-09-11 (Wednesday)

On 2013-09-11 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                version              previous
  acl2                          6.2-7                6.0-2
  boinc                         7.2.14+dfsg-1        7.2.7+dfsg-1
  couchdb                       1.4.0-3              1.2.0-5
  debian-edu                    1.713                1.712
  debian-edu-install            1.719                1.718
  desktop-file-utils            0.22-1               0.21-1
  emma                          0.6-5                0.6-4
  fonts-ebgaramond              0.015+git20130522-1  (not in testing)
  fonts-klaudia-berenika        2011-09-03-1         (not in testing)
  fonts-wqy-zenhei              0.9.45-5             (not in testing)
  gtk+3.0                       3.8.4-1              3.8.2-3
  gv                            1:3.7.4-1            1:3.7.3-1
  haskell-hopenpgp-tools        0.0-1                (not in testing)
  haskell-yesod-bin             1.2.2-3              (not in testing)
  id-utils                      4.6+git20120811-4    4.5+dfsg-0.2
  libbpp-phyl-omics             2.1.0-1              (not in testing)
  libbpp-seq-omics              2.1.0-1              (not in testing)
  libconfig-model-itself-perl   1.239-1              1.237-1
  libconfig-model-openssh-perl  1.230-1              1.227-1
  libieee1284                   0.2.11-12            0.2.11-11
  libmojolicious-perl           4.29+dfsg-1          4.19+dfsg-1
  libpam-mount                  2.14-1               2.14~zgit3+966c6bea-3
  libstxxl                      1.3.1-5              1.3.1-4
  linuxtv-dvb-apps              1.1.1+rev1483-2      1.1.1+rev1483-1
  mako                          0.9.0-1              0.8.1-1
  mpg123                        1.15.3-2             1.15.3-1
  mupen64plus-input-sdl         2.0-2                2.0-1
  ncbi-tools6                   6.1.20120620-5       6.1.20120620-2
  netxx                         0.3.2-2              (not in testing)
  njplot                        2.4-2                2.4-1
  node-tilelive                 4.5.0-1              (not in testing)
  oar                           2.5.2-3.1            2.5.2-3
  openguides                    0.74-1               0.72-1
  owncloud                      5.0.10+dfsg-1        5.0.9+dfsg-2
  photofloat                    0~20120917+dfsg-2    (not in testing)
  qt4-x11                       4:4.8.5+dfsg-4       4:4.8.5+dfsg-3
  r-cran-mass                   7.3-29-1             7.3-26-1
  rail                          1.2.11-1             1.2.10-1
  raptor2                       2.0.10-1             2.0.9-1
  rpcbind                       0.2.0-8.2            0.2.0-8.1
  ruby-svg-graph                1.0.5-2              1.0.5-1
  runsnakerun                   2.0.3-1              2.0.2a1-2
  svnmailer                     1.0.8-13             1.0.8-12

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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