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Testing migration summary 2013-09-01 (Sunday)

On 2013-09-01 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                  version             previous
  bitops                          1.0-6-1             1.0-5-1
  charybdis                       3.4.2-2             3.4.2-1
  convertall                      0.5.2-1             0.4.2-1
  dh-lua                          18                  17
  drac                            1.12-8              1.12-7.2
  glipper                         2.4-4               2.3-3.1
  gnutls28                        3.2.3-1             3.2.1-2
  joda-convert                    1.4-1               1.3.1-1
  lattice                         0.20-23-1           0.20-15-1
  libaqbanking                    5.0.31beta-1        5.0.28beta-1
  libdist-zilla-plugins-cjm-perl  4.17-1              4.14-1
  libdrm                          2.4.46-2            2.4.46-1
  libgwenhywfar                   4.7.0beta-1         4.6.0beta-1
  libhtml-formfu-model-dbic-perl  0.09010-1           0.09002-1
  libmodule-metadata-perl         1.000015-1          1.000014-1
  libosinfo                       0.2.7-1             0.1.1-1
  libperlio-via-symlink-perl      0.05-2              0.05-1.1
  libreoffice                     1:4.1.0-5           1:4.0.3-3
  lightproof                      1.5+git20121204-4   1.5+git20121204-3
  lua-sec                         0.4.1+git063e8a8-2  0.4.1+git063e8a8-1
  nuitka                          0.4.5+ds-1
  nvidia-cuda-toolkit             5.0.35-7            5.0.35-6
  nvidia-graphics-drivers         304.108-1           304.88-6
  nvidia-graphics-modules         304.88+22           (not in testing)
  org-mode-doc                    8.0.7-2             (not in testing)
  oss-compat                      4                   2
  php-horde                       5.1.2+debian0-1     5.1.1+debian0-1
  php-horde-groupware             5.1.1-1             5.0.4-1
  php-horde-webmail               5.1.1-1             5.0.4-1
  po4a                            0.45-1              0.42-2
  python-nmap                     0.3.1-1             0.2.7-1
  quilt                           0.60-9              0.60-8
  r-cran-class                    7.3-9-1             7.3-8-1
  rcmdr                           2.0-0-1             1.9-6-2
  rserve                          1.7-3-1             0.6-8.1-2
  spyder                          2.2.3+dfsg-1        2.2.1+dfsg-1
  stella                          3.9.1-1             3.9-1
  unoconv                         0.6-3               0.6-1
  wap-wml-tools                   0.0.4-7             0.0.4-6
  xcb-util-cursor                 0.1.0-1             0.0.99-1
  xserver-xorg-video-ati          1:7.2.0-1           1:6.14.4-8
  zita-at1                        0.2.3-4             0.2.3-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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