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Testing migration summary 2013-05-12 (Sunday)

On 2013-05-12 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                   version                      previous
  abind                            1.4-0-2                      1.4-0-1
  base-files                       7.2                          7.1
  bitops                           1.0-5-1                      1.0-4.1-2
  boinc                            7.0.65+dfsg-1                7.0.27+dfsg-5
  boot                             1.3-9-1                      1.3-5-1
  cairodevice                      2.19-2                       2.19-1
  chron                            2.3-43-2                     2.3-42-1
  cluster                          1.14.4-1                     1.14.2-1
  codetools                        0.2-8-2                      0.2-8-1
  cofoja                           1.0~r139-2                   (not in testing)
  date                             1.2.33-2                     1.2.32-1
  dh-exec                          0.7                          0.6
  dichromat                        2.0.0-1                      (not in testing)
  effects                          2.2.4-2                      2.1.1-1
  fexoticoptions                   2152.78-2                    2110.77-2
  fextremes                        3010.80-1                    2100.77-3
  fimport                          3000.82-2                    2160.81-1
  fmultivar                        2152.77-2                    2100.76-3
  foreign                          0.8.53-2                     0.8.50-1
  ftrading                         2160.77-2                    2100.76-3
  gdata                                     2.11.0-1
  gmodels                          2.15.4-1                     2.15.3-1
  gplots                                    2.11.0-1
  gtools                           2.7.1-2                      2.7.0-1
  its                              1.1.8-3                      1.1.8-2
  kernsmooth                       2.23-10-2                    2.23-8-1
  labeling                         0.1-1                        (not in testing)
  lattice                          0.20-15-1                    0.20-6-1
  latticeextra                     0.6-24-2                     0.6-19-1
  libapache2-mod-rivet             2.1.1-2                      2.0.5-1
  libautobox-perl                  2.79-1                       2.75-1
  libclass-accessor-grouped-perl   0.10010-1                    0.10006-1
  libconfig-model-itself-perl      1.237-1                      1.232-1
  libdatetime-format-natural-perl  1.02-1                       1.00-1
  libdatetime-perl                 2:1.03-1                     2:0.7500-1
  libdevel-ebug-perl               0.55-1                       0.53-1
  libextutils-pkgconfig-perl       1.14-1                       1.13-1
  libj2ssh-java                    0.2.9-4                      0.2.9-3
  libnxt                           0.3-2                        (not in testing)
  lmtest                           0.9.31-1                     0.9.30-1
  matchit                          2.4-20-1                     2.4-18-1
  maxima                           5.30.0-4                     5.27.0-3
  misc3d                           0.8-4-1                      0.8-2-1
  mnormt                           1.4-5-2                      1.4-5-1
  mpdris2                          0.4-1                        (not in testing)
  multcomp                         1.2-17-2                     1.2-12-1
  mvtnorm                          0.9-9994-2                   0.9-9992-1
  mypaint                          1.1.0-3                      1.0.0-1
  nocache                          0.8+git20130430-1            (not in testing)
  ophcrack                         3.4.1-1                      3.4.0-2
  permute                          0.7-0-2                      0.7-0-1
  pgbadger                         3.3-2                        (not in testing)
  polspline                        1.1.8-1                      1.1.5-5
  prolog-el                        1.25-1                       1.23-1
  qtl                              1.25-15-2                    1.23-16-1
  quadprog                         1.5-5-1                      1.5-4-1
  r-base                           3.0.0-2                      2.15.1-4
  r-bioc-biobase                   2.20.0-1                     2.14.0-1
  r-bioc-biocgenerics              0.6.0-1                      0.2.0-1
  r-bioc-hilbertvis                1.18.0-1                     1.14.0-1
  r-cran-amelia                    1.7.1-2                      1.6.1-1
  r-cran-bayesm                    2.2-5-1                      2.2-4-1
  r-cran-boolnet                   1.61-2                       (not in testing)
  r-cran-class                     7.3-7-1                      7.3-4-1
  r-cran-coda                      0.16-1-1                     0.14-7-1
  r-cran-colorspace                1.2-2-1                      1.0.1-1
  r-cran-combinat                  0.0-8-4                      0.0-8-3
  r-cran-deal                      1:1.2-35-1                   1.2.34-1
  r-cran-digest                    0.6.3-2                      0.5.2-1
  r-cran-domc                      1.3.0-2                      1.2.5-1
  r-cran-dosnow                    1.0.6-3                      1.0.6-1
  r-cran-eco                       3.1-6-1                      3.1-4-2
  r-cran-epitools                  1:0.5-7-1                    1:0.5-6-1
  r-cran-foreach                   1.4.0-2                      1.4.0-1
  r-cran-g.data                    2.3-1                        2.0-4
  r-cran-gam                       1.08-1                       1.06.2-1
  r-cran-genabel                   1.7-4-1                      1.7-0-3
  r-cran-genetics                  1.3.8-1                      1.3.6-2
  r-cran-getopt                    1.19.1-2                     1.17-1
  r-cran-ggplot2                   0.8.9-1.1                    0.8.9-1
  r-cran-gmaps                     0.2-2                        0.2-1
  r-cran-hdf5                      1.6.10-2                     1.6.10-1
  r-cran-inline                    0.3.11-2                     0.3.8-1
  r-cran-int64                     1.1.2-2                      1.1.2-1
  r-cran-iterators                 1.0.6-2                      1.0.6-1
  r-cran-lpsolve                   5.6.7-2                      5.6.6-1
  r-cran-mapdata                   2.2-2-1                      2.2-1-1
  r-cran-mapproj                   1.2-1-1                      1.1-8.3-2
  r-cran-maps                      2.3-2-1                      2.2-5-1
  r-cran-mass                      7.3-26-1                     7.3-19-1
  r-cran-mnp                       2.6-3-1                      2.6-2-1
  r-cran-msm                       1.1.4-1                      1.1-1
  r-cran-multicore                 0.1-7-2                      0.1-7-1
  r-cran-nnet                      7.3-6-2                      7.3-4-1
  r-cran-plyr                      1.8-1                        1.7.1-1
  r-cran-proto                     0.3-10-1                     0.3-9.2-1
  r-cran-pscl                      1.04.4-2                     1.03.5-1+deb70u1
  r-cran-psy                       1.1-1                        1.0-4
  r-cran-randomforest              4.6-7-1                      4.6-6-1
  r-cran-rcpparmadillo             0.3.810.2-1                  (not in testing)
  r-cran-reshape                   0.8.4-2                      0.8.4-1
  r-cran-reshape2                  1.2.2-1                      1.2.1-1
  r-cran-rjags                     3.10-1                       3.3-1
  r-cran-rms                       3.6-3-2                      3.5-0-1
  r-cran-rocr                      1.0-4-4                      1.0-4-3
  r-cran-rsclient                  0.7-2-1                      (not in testing)
  r-cran-rsqlite                   0.11.2-1                     0.11.1-1
  r-cran-runit                     0.4.26-2                     0.4.26-1
  r-cran-slam                      0.1-28-2                     0.1-24-1
  r-cran-sn                        0.4-18-1                     0.4-17-1
  r-cran-sp                        1:1.0-9-1                    1:0.9-81-1
  r-cran-spatial                   7.3-6-1                      7.3-4-1
  r-cran-stabledist                0.6-5-2                      0.6-4-1
  r-cran-stringr                   0.6.2-1                      0.6.0-1
  r-cran-timedate                  3010.98-1                    2160.95-1
  r-cran-timeseries                3010.97-1                    2160.94-1
  r-cran-vcd                       1:1.2-13-2                   1:1.2-12-1
  r-cran-vegan                     2.0-7-1                      2.0-3-1
  r-cran-vgam                      0.9-1-1                      0.8-7-1
  r-cran-xml                       3.96-1.1-1                   3.9-4-1
  r-cran-xtable                    1:1.7-1-1                    1:1.5-6-1
  r-other-bio3d                    1.1-5-1                      1.1-4-1
  r-zoo                            1.7-9-2                      1.7-7-1
  raschsampler                     0.8-5-4                      0.8-5-1
  rcolorbrewer                     1.0-5-2                      1.0-5-1
  rcpp                             0.10.3-2                     0.9.13-1
  relimp                           1.0-3-2                      1.0-3-1
  rggobi                           2.1.19-2                     2.1.17-1
  rgl                              0.93.935-1                   0.92.798-1+deb7u1
  rglpk                            0.3-10-2                     0.3-8-1
  rgtk2                            2.20.25-2                    2.20.24-1
  rjava                            0.9-4-1                      0.9-3-1
  rmysql                           0.9-3-2                      0.9-3-1
  robustbase                       0.9-7-2                      0.8-1-1-1
  rodbc                            1.3-6-2                      1.3-6-1
  rpart                            4.1-1-2                      3.1.54-1
  rpy                              1.0.3-25                     1.0.3-22
  rpy2                             2.3.6-1                      2.2.6-1
  rquantlib                        0.3.10-2                     0.3.8-2
  rserve                           0.6-8.1-2                    0.6-8-1
  rsprng                           1.0-3                        1.0-2
  rsymphony                        0.1-15-2                     0.1-14-1
  rtmpdump                         2.4+20121230.gitdf6c518-1    2.4+20111222.git4e06e21-1
  sandwich                         2.2-10-1                     2.2-9-1
  scatterplot3d                    0.3-33-2                     0.3-33-1
  sisu                             4.0.21-1                     3.3.2-1
  sm                               2.2-4.1-2                    2.2-4.1-1
  snow                             1:0.3.12-1                   1:0.3.9-1
  strucchange                      1.4-7-2                      1.4-7-1
  stterm                           0.4.1+20130501+git8618386-1  0.0~20120124+hg226-2
  survival                         2.37-4-2                     2.36-14-1
  tegrarcm                         1.2-2                        (not in testing)
  telepathy-idle                   0.1.16-1                     0.1.11-2
  terminator                       0.97-1                       0.95-1
  tkrplot                          0.0.23-2                     0.0.23-1
  tseries                          0.10-31-1                    0.10-28-1
  unclutter                        8-19                         8-18
  urca                             1.2-7-2                      1.2-6-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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