Testing migration summary 2012-10-09 (Tuesday)
On 2012-10-09 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:
source package version previous
amd64-microcode 1.20120910-1 1.20120117-2
bitlbee 3.0.5-1.2 3.0.5-1.1
dasher 4.11-2 4.11-1.2
freedink 1.08.20120427-2.1 1.08.20120427-2
kde-gtk-config 3:2.1-1 (not in testing)
krusader 1:2.3.0~beta1-1+wheezy3 1:2.3.0~beta1-1
libfso-glib 2012.05.24.1-1.1 2012.05.24.1-1
libfsobasics 0.11.0-1.1 0.11.0-1
notification-daemon 0.7.6-1 0.7.5-1
qpid-cpp 0.16-6+deb7u1 0.16-6
rhn-client-tools 1.8.9-3 1.8.9-1
svnkit 1.3.5+dfsg-4 1.3.5+dfsg-3
This email is automatically generated once a day. As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.
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