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Testing migration summary 2012-02-12 (Sunday)

On 2012-02-12 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package          version                    previous
  aspell-bn               1:0.01.1-1-2               1:0.01.1-1-1
  auto-multiple-choice    1.0.3-1                    1.0.2-3
  bluez                   4.98-2                     4.96-3
  bzr-dbus                0.1~bzr52-1                0.1~bzr51-2
  castor                  1.3.2-1                    1.3.1-1
  cl-asdf                 2:2.20-1                   2:2.019-1
  cl-ppcre                2.0.3-1                    2.0.1-2
  clthreads               2.4.0-4                    2.4.0-3
  clxclient               3.6.1-4                    3.6.1-3
  dv4l                    1.0-5                      1.0-4
  elilo                   3.12-4.1                   3.12-4
  fontforge               0.0.20110222-8             0.0.20110222-6
  gjiten                  2.6-2.2                    2.6-2.1
  gnome-games-extra-data  3.2.0-1                    3.0.0-1
  hesiod                  3.0.2-21                   3.0.2-20
  hwloc                   1.4-1                      1.3.1-1
  iceape                  2.0.14-10                  2.0.14-9
  im-switch               1.22                       1.21
  jasperreports3.7        3.7.4+dfsg-2               3.7.4+dfsg-1
  libburn                 1.2.0-1                    1.1.8-1
  libdecodeqr             0.9.3-6.2                  0.9.3-6
  libemail-sender-perl    0.110003-1                 0.110001-1
  libisoburn              1.2.0-1                    1.1.8-1
  libisofs                1.2.0-1                    1.1.6-1
  libpam-abl              0.4.3~testing.1-1          0.4.1-1
  libwebp                 0.1.3-2.1                  0.1.3-2
  libxcb                  1.8-2                      1.8-1
  libxerces2-java         2.11.0-5                   2.11.0-4
  lttoolbox               3.1.0-1.1                  3.1.0-1
  mediawiki-extensions    2.5                        2.4
  mongodb                 1:2.0.2-4                  1:2.0.2-3
  mootools                1.4.3~debian1-1            1.4.2~debian1-1
  mozc                    1.3.975.102-1              1.3.931.102-1
  nautilus-pastebin       0.7.1-1                    (not in testing)
  nginx                   1.1.14-1                   1.1.12-1
  opencv                  2.3.1-7                    2.1.0-7
  ovito                   0.9.2-1.1                  0.9.2-1
  phoronix-test-suite     3.6.1-1                    3.6.0-1
  php-image-text          0.6.1-1                    0.6.0beta-2
  pnm2ppa                 1.13-4                     1.13-3
  pristine-tar            1.19                       1.17
  putty                   0.62-5                     0.61-2
  python-numpy            1:1.5.1-4                  1:1.5.1-3
  rhmessaging             0.14-1                     0.12-1
  samba                   2:3.6.3-1                  2:3.6.1-3
  silo                    1.4.14+git20120127-1       1.4.14+git20100228-1
  spim                    8.0+dfsg-5.1               8.0+dfsg-5
  uim                     1:1.7.2-5                  1:1.7.1-3
  x264                    2:0.120.2151+gita3f4407-1  2:0.118.2092+git6eac7c3-2
  znc                     0.204-1                    0.202-2
  zookeeper               3.3.4+dfsg1-3              3.3.4+dfsg1-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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