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Testing migration summary 2011-12-28 (Wednesday)

On 2011-12-28 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                            version                previous
  antlr                                     2.7.7+dfsg-3           2.7.7+dfsg-2
  busybox                                   1:1.19.3-5             1:1.19.3-4
  colibri                                   0.2.2-1                (not in testing)
  ctsim                                     5.2.0-1.1              5.2.0-1
  genetic                                   0.1.1b-11              0.1.1b-10
  glabels                                   2.2.8-3                2.2.8-2
  gnutls26                                  2.12.14-5              2.12.14-4
  gnutls28                                  3.0.9-2                3.0.8-2
  gpointing-device-settings                 1.5.1-6                1.5.1-5
  gv                                        1:3.7.3-1              1:3.7.2-2
  gxtuner                                   1.8-1                  1.3-1
  hugin                                     2011.4.0+dfsg-1        2011.2.0+dfsg-2
  hyphen-gu                                 0.7.0-2                0.6.0-2
  hyphen-hi                                 0.7.0-2                0.6.0-3
  hyphen-kn                                 0.7.0-1                0.6.0-3
  java-common                               0.46                   0.45
  libapache2-mod-qos                        9.76-1                 9.74-1
  libconfig-ini-perl                        1:0.019-1              1:0.018-1
  libdancer-perl                            1.3091+dfsg-1          1.3080+dfsg-1
  libepc                                    0.4.3-1                0.3.11-1
  libhtml-embedded-turtle-perl              0.333-1                0.090-1
  libhtml-html5-outline-perl                0.006-1                0.003-1
  libhtml-html5-sanity-perl                 0.103-1                0.101-2
  libhtml-microformats-perl                 0.104-1                0.103-2
  libhtml-popuptreeselect-perl              1.6-6                  1.6-5.1
  libhttp-link-parser-perl                  0.103-1                0.101-2
  libmail-deliverystatus-bounceparser-perl  1.528-1                1.527-1
  libmoosex-configfromfile-perl             0.04-1                 0.03-1
  libmusicbrainz-2.1                        2.1.5-6.2              2.1.5-6.1
  libpoe-perl                               2:1.3500-1             2:1.3120-1
  libpoe-test-loops-perl                    1.350-1                1.312-1
  librecad                                  1.0.0+nolibs-1         1.0.0~rc4+nolibs-1
  libsearch-estraier-perl                   0.09-4                 0.09-3
  libsys-virt-perl                          0.9.7-2                0.9.5-1
  libvirt                                   0.9.8-2                0.9.6-2
  malaga                                    7.12-4                 7.12-3.1
  mathpiper                                 0.81f+svn4469+dfsg2-1  0.81f+dfsg1-1
  mmpong                                    0.9.1-2                0.9.1-1
  mp4h                                      1.3.1-6                1.3.1-5
  mupdf                                     0.9-2                  0.9-1
  nautilus-image-manipulator                0.5-2                  0.4-1
  ninix-aya                                 4.3.6-1                4.3.4-1
  opencc                                    0.3.0-1                0.2.0-2
  perlbrew                                  0.35-1                 0.31-1
  python-hl7                                0.2.2-1                0.2.1-1
  resolvconf                                1.63                   1.62
  ruby-indentation                          0.0.6-1                (not in testing)
  sagan                                     0.2.0-1                0.1.9-1
  sjfonts                                   2.0.2-1.1              2.0.2-1
  sl-modem                                  2.9.11~20110321-6      2.9.11~20110321-4
  tomoyo-tools                              2.4.0-20111025-3       2.3.0-20100820-4
  totem                                     3.0.1-6                3.0.1-4
  trousers                                  0.3.7-2                0.3.7-1
  ttf-alee                                  12+nmu1                12
  ttf-summersby                             1.007-3.1              1.007-3
  ttf-wqy-zenhei                            0.9.45-3.1             0.9.45-3
  xapian-bindings                           1.2.8-1                1.2.7-1
  xapian-core                               1.2.8-1                1.2.7-1
  xapian-omega                              1.2.8-1                1.2.7-1
  xcp-storage-managers                      0.1.1-2                (not in testing)
  xnee                                      3.11-1                 3.10-1
  xvt                                       2.1-20.1               2.1-20

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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