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Testing migration summary 2011-12-22 (Thursday)

On 2011-12-22 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                 version            previous
  batmand                        0.3.2-11           0.3.2-10
  binutils                       2.22-2             2.22-1
  commons-math                   2.2-2              2.2-1
  cufflinks                      1.2.1-1            (not in testing)
  dkopp                          6.0-1              5.9.2-1
  esorex                         3.9.0-1            (not in testing)
  ethtool                        1:3.1-1            1:3.0-1
  fakechroot                     2.16-1             2.15-1
  gnulib                         20111211+stable-1  20110908+stable-1
  gridsite                       1.7.16-1           1.7.15-2
  gtkhtml3.14                    3.32.2-2.1         3.32.2-2
  hostapd                        1:0.7.3-3          1:0.7.3-2
  imms                           3.1.0~rc8-3        (not in testing)
  kdenlive                       0.8.2-1
  lame                           3.99.3+repack1-1   3.98.4+repack2-6
  libass                         0.10.0-2           0.10.0-1
  libaudio-ecasound-perl         1.01-2             (not in testing)
  libgetopt-lucid-perl           1.00-1             0.19-1
  liblocale-maketext-fuzzy-perl  0.11-1             0.10-1
  libnet-citadel-perl            0.02-1             (not in testing)
  libregexp-common-perl          2011121001-1       2011041701-3
  libusb-1.0                     2:1.0.9~rc3-2      2:1.0.8-6
  linux-2.6                      3.1.5-1            3.1.1-1
  lxterminal                     0.1.11-2           0.1.11-1
  lyx                            2.0.2-1            2.0.1-1
  mesa                           7.11.2-1           7.11.1-1
  nipy                           0.1.999-1          0.1.2+201100720-2
  ocrfeeder                      0.7.7-1            0.7.6-1
  openthesaurus                  20110119-5         20110119-4
  partman-zfs                    16                 15
  pdftoipe                       20110916-2         20091014-3
  pydf                           10                 9
  pymongo                        2.1-1              2.0.1-1
  python-poster                  0.8.1-0.1          0.7.0-1.1
  python-pynast                  1.1-3              1.1-2
  qiime                          1.3.0-2            (not in testing)
  rbtools                        0.3.4-1            0.2-1
  rjava                          0.9-3-1            0.9-2-1
  rserve                         0.6-6-1            0.6-5-2
  sffview                        0.4.1-2            0.4.1-1
  sgt-puzzles                    9306-1             9179-1
  shutter                        0.88.1-1           0.85.1-2
  soqt                           1.5.0-2            1.5.0-1
  stud                           0.3-1              (not in testing)
  svgtoipe                       20100608-1         (not in testing)
  sympy                          0.7.1.rc1-2        0.7.1.rc1-1
  texworks                       0.5~svn952-1       0.5~svn939-2
  toshset                        1.76-2             1.76-1
  ukopp                          4.1-1              4.0-2
  unetbootin                     565-3              563-2
  usbutils                       1:005-1            1:004-2
  virtaal                        0.7.0-2            0.7.0-1
  vte                            1:0.28.2-4         1:0.28.2-3
  w-scan                         20111203-1         20111011-1
  xen                            4.1.2-2            4.1.2-1
  xorg-server                    2:     2:
  xtables-addons                 1.40-1             1.37-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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