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Testing migration summary 2011-09-26 (Monday)

On 2011-09-26 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                     version       previous
  amoeba-data                        1.1-6         1.1-5
  chimera2                           2.0a19-6      2.0a19-5.1
  dbi                                0.2-5-2       0.2-5-1
  debian-edu-artwork                 0.0.33-1      0.0.32-2
  dnsmasq                            2.58-3        2.58-2
  foxyproxy                          3.2-1         2.22.6-1
  freehdl                            0.0.7-1.1     0.0.7-1
  gdal                               1.7.3-6       1.7.3-5
  ggobi                              2.1.10-3      2.1.10-2
  glx-alternatives                   0.1.94        0.1.93
  gmap                               2011-09-14-1  2011-08-15-1
  gnupod-tools                       0.99.8-2.1    0.99.8-2
  gwave                              20090213-4    20090213-3
  ibus-sunpinyin                     2.0.3-2       2.0.3-1
  itools                             1.0-3         1.0-2
  iw                                 3.1-1         0.9.19-1
  klatexformula                      3.2.4-2       3.2.4-1
  libdap                             3.11.1-9      3.9.3-6
  libdata-peek-perl                  0.36-1        0.34-1
  libdecodeqr                        0.9.3-6       0.9.3-4
  libemail-mime-perl                 1.910-1       1.907-1
  libemail-simple-perl               2.100-2       2.100-1
  libfile-next-perl                  1.06-2        1.06-1
  libhttp-browserdetect-perl         1.30-1        1.29-1
  libhttp-cache-transparent-perl     1.0-2         1.0-1
  liblicense                         0.8.1-1       0.8-2.2
  libmoosex-method-signatures-perl   0.37-1        0.36-1
  libparse-method-signatures-perl    1.003014-1    1.003013-1
  libtest-routine-perl               0.014-1       0.012-1
  libxml-autowriter-perl             0.40-2        0.40-1
  libxml-filter-sort-perl            1.01-3        1.01-2
  libxml-sax-expat-incremental-perl  0.05-2        0.05-1
  libxml-sax-expat-perl              0.40-2        0.40-1
  lightdm                            0.9.7-1       0.9.2-3
  maven-reporting-impl               2.1-1         2.0.5-1
  nvidia-support                     20110729+2    20110729+1
  octave-msh                         1.0.2-3       1.0.2-1
  p11-kit                            0.6-1         0.4-2
  pam-krb5-migrate                   0.0.10-1      0.0.9-1
  pgapack                            1.1.1-3       1.1.1-2
  ploticus                           2.41-3.1      2.41-3
  python-django                      1.3.1-1       1.3-2
  redshift                           1.7-1         1.6-1
  scim-sunpinyin                     2.0.3-2       2.0.3-1
  snappy                             1.0.4-1       1.0.3-1
  sphinx                             1.0.7+dfsg-2  1.0.7+dfsg-1
  sunpinyin                          2.0.3-3       2.0.3-2
  unbound                            1.4.12-1      1.4.11-1
  vdkxdb2                            2.4.0-3.3     2.4.0-3.2
  wammu                              0.36-1        0.35-1
  werken.xpath                       0.9.4-13      0.9.4-12
  xmlrpc-c                           1.16.33-3.1   1.16.33-3
  xsunpinyin                         2.0.3-2       2.0.3-1
  zeya                               0.6-1         0.5-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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