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Testing migration summary 2011-09-21 (Wednesday)

On 2011-09-21 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                  version               previous
  barnowl                         1.6.2-1.1             1.6.2-1
  bedtools                        2.13.1-1              2.12.0-1
  c2hs                            0.16.3-2              0.16.3-1
  cclib-data                      1.0.1-2               1.0.1-1
  commons-configuration           1.7-1                 1.6-5
  commons-daemon                  1.0.7-2               1.0.7-1
  commons-vfs                     2.0-1                 1.0-6
  cpanminus                       1.4008-2              1.4008-1
  doxia                           1.1.4-1               1.1.2-1
  gnutls26                        2.12.10-2             2.12.7-8
  haskell-logict                  0.5.0-1               0.4.2-1
  haskell-maths                   0.3.4-1               0.3.3-1
  ivy                             2.2.0-2               2.2.0-1
  libcgi-formbuilder-perl         3.06-1                3.05.01-10
  libcommons-jxpath-java          1.3-5                 1.3-3
  libdbd-csv-perl                 0.3300-1              0.3100-1
  libdvdnav                       4.1.4-1219-4          4.1.3-7
  libgpg-error                    1.10-1                1.10-0.3
  libhx                           3.11-1                3.10.1-3
  libphone-utils                  0.1+git20100630-1.1   0.1+git20100630-1
  libpuzzle                       0.9-4.1               0.9-4
  libvisual-plugins               0.4.0.dfsg.1-3        0.4.0.dfsg.1-2
  lintian                         2.5.3                 2.5.2
  lyx                             2.0.1-1               2.0.0-1
  mimetic                         0.9.7-1               0.9.6-2
  mondrian                        4.0.0~svn13109-2      4.0.0~svn13109-1
  mupdf                           0.9-1                 0.8.15-1
  notmuch                         0.8-1                 0.7-1
  ntrack                          011-1.2               008-1
  opencryptoki                    2.3.1+dfsg-3          2.3.1+dfsg-2
  openssl                         1.0.0e-2              1.0.0d-3
  org-mode                        7.7-1                 7.6-1
  phonon                          4:4.6.0really4.5.0-5  4:4.6.0really4.5.0-4
  pidgin-twitter                     0.9.2-1
  python-django-threadedcomments  0.5.3-3               0.5.3-2
  python-django-voting            0.1-1                 0+svn73-1
  reportbug                       6.2.1                 6.2
  roundcube                       0.5.4+dfsg-1          0.5.3+dfsg-1
  scons                           2.1.0-1               2.0.1-2
  scons-doc                       2.1.0-1               2.0.1-1
  snowball                        0+svn546-1            0+svn527-1
  squidclamav                     6.4-1                 6.3-1
  syncmaildir                     1.2.1-1               1.1.6-1
  tagcloud                        1.4-1.1               1.4-1
  tokyotyrant                     1.1.40-4.1            1.1.40-4
  ubuntu-dev-tools                0.131                 0.128
  unetbootin                      555-1                 549-2
  xine-lib                        1.1.19-3.1            1.1.19-3

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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