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Testing migration summary 2011-09-07 (Wednesday)

On 2011-09-07 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                       version                    previous
  altos                                1.0.1                      (not in testing)
  aufs-tools                           20110410-1                 20100601-1
  berusky                              1.3-1                      1.1-6
  berusky-data                         1.0-3                      1.0-2
  btrfs-tools                          0.19+20101101-2            0.19+20100601-3
  clasp                                2.0.3-2                    2.0.2-1
  conky                                1.8.1-4                    1.8.1-3
  debian-faq                           5.0                        4.0.4+nmu1
  fracplanet                           0.4.0-1.1                  0.4.0-1
  gdebi                                0.8.1                      0.8.0
  google-authenticator                 20110413.68230188bdc7-1.1  20110413.68230188bdc7-1
  gtk-vector-screenshot                0.3.1-1                    0.3-1
  haskell-language-c                   0.4.2-1          
  haskell-yaml-light                   0.1.4-1                    (not in testing)
  hpodder                                   (not in testing)
  icinga                               1.5.0-3                    1.5.0-2
  kbdd                                 0.6-2                      (not in testing)
  libanyevent-i3-perl                  0.07-1                     0.04-1
  libdata-types-perl                   0.09-1                     0.08-1
  libdbd-mysql-perl                    4.020-1                    4.019-1
  libdevel-declare-perl                0.006006-1                 0.006005-1
  libdigest-crc-perl                   0.17-1                     0.16-1
  libdist-zilla-plugin-prepender-perl  1.112280-1                 1.103470-1
  libdist-zilla-plugin-run-perl        0.008-1                    0.005-1
  libedit                              2.11-20080614-3            2.11-20080614-2.2
  libevent                             1.4.14b-stable-1           1.4.13-stable-1
  libfile-sharedir-install-perl        0.04-1                     0.03-1
  libhtml-formfu-perl                  0.09004-1                  0.09003-1
  libio-socket-ssl-perl                1.44-1                     1.43-1
  libmongo-client                      0.1.4-1                    0.1.2-1
  libnet-inet6glue-perl                0.5-1                      0.4-2
  libnet-ipv6addr-perl                 0.2.dfsg.1-3               0.2.dfsg.1-2
  libnetsds-util-perl                  1.044-2                    1.044-1
  libpdl-io-hdf5-perl                  0.6-1.1                    0.6-1
  libpoe-component-ikc-perl            0.2302-1                   0.2200-2
  libshell-command-perl                0.06-1                     (not in testing)
  lua-iconv                            6-4                        6-3
  lv2-extensions-good                  0~20110821-1               0~20110526-1
  lvm2                                 2.02.86-1                  2.02.84-3.1
  net-snmp                             5.4.3~dfsg-2.3             5.4.3~dfsg-2.2
  nethogs                              0.8.0-1                    0.7.0-3
  pal                                  0.4.3-7                    0.4.3-6
  partman-zfs                          14                         13
  pcsc-lite                            1.7.4-2                    1.7.4-1
  plexus-cipher                        1.5-2                      1.5-1
  postgresql-9.0                       9.0.4-2                    9.0.4-1
  postgresql-9.1                       9.1~rc1-3                  (not in testing)
  postgresql-common                    121                        119
  postgresql-debversion                1.0.6-1                    1.0.4-1
  postgresql-pgmp                      1.0.0-3                    1.0.0-2
  postgresql-pllua                     1:0.3.2-4                  1:0.3.2-3
  postgresql-plproxy                   2.2-3                      2.2-2
  postgresql-plsh                      1.3-5                      1.3-4
  prayer                               1.3.4-dfsg1-1              1.3.3-dfsg1-4
  pstack                               1.2-4                      1.2-3
  python-whoosh                        2.2.2-1                    1.8.4-1
  ruby-polyglot                        0.3.2-1                    0.3.1-1
  simgrid                              3.6.1-3                    3.6~rc2-1
  sipwitch                             1.0.3-1                    (not in testing)
  skytools                             2.1.12-3                   2.1.12-2
  slony1-2                             2.0.7-1                    2.0.6-1
  squid3                               3.1.15-1                   3.1.14-1
  statsmodels                          0.3.1-2                    (not in testing)
  stunnel4                             3:4.42-1                   3:4.40-1
  ucommon                              5.0.5-1                    (not in testing)
  units-filter                         3.5-1                      3.3-2
  ust                                  0.15-3                     0.5-1+squeeze1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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