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Testing migration summary 2011-12-26 (Monday)

On 2011-12-26 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package         version                      previous
  9base                  1:6-5                        1:6-4
  aeskulap               0.2.2b1-9                    0.2.2b1-8
  alt-ergo               0.94-1                       0.93-3
  bzr-pqm                1.4.0~bzr80-1                1.4.0~bzr79-2
  chiark-tcl             1.1.0+nmu3                   1.1.0+nmu2
  cloog-ppl              0.15.11-4                    0.15.9-3
  cqrlog                 1.2.2-2                      1.2.1-1
  cwirc                  2.0.0-5                      2.0.0-4
  ecasound               2.8.1-4                      2.8.1-3
  gcontactsync           0.3.4-1                      0.3.3-1
  get-flash-videos       1.25~git2011.09.26-2         1.25~git2011.09.26-1
  gnome-online-accounts  3.2.1-3                      3.2.1-2
  ibus                   1.4.0-3                      1.4.0-1
  juman                  5.1-2.1                      5.1-2
  kfreebsd-downloader    9.0~rc3-2                    (not in testing)
  latex-make             2.1.16-2                     2.1.16-1
  libapp-nopaste-perl    0.33-1                       0.32-1
  libgdata               0.10.1-2                     0.8.1-2
  libtecla               1.6.1-5                      1.6.1-1
  lighttpd               1.4.30-1                     1.4.29-1
  mailagent              1:3.1-74-0.1                 1:3.1-72-0.1
  mongodb                1:2.0.2-1                    1:2.0.0-2
  murrine-themes         0.98.3                       0.98.2
  obconf                 2.0.3+git20110808-1          2.0.3-3
  pcsc-lite              1.8.1-5                      1.8.1-4
  pdnsd                  1.2.8-par-2.2                1.2.7-par-1.2
  pound                  2.5-1.1                      (not in testing)
  python-poppler         0.12.1-6                     0.12.1-4
  qbzr                   0.21.2-1                     0.21.1-1
  ruby-stomp             1.2.0-1                      1.1.10-1
  sam2p                  0.49.1-1                     0.49-1
  slcurl                 0.2.1-4.2                    0.2.1-4.1
  spooles                2.2-9                        2.2-8
  swi-prolog             5.10.4-3                     5.10.4-1.1
  tagsoup                1.2.1-1                      1.2-3
  watchdog               5.10-1                       5.9-1
  west-chamber           20100405+svn20110916.r119-1  20100405-2
  xca                    0.9.1-1                      0.9.1~git7ffc768-2
  xdg-utils              1.1.0~rc1+git20111210-3      1.1.0~rc1-3
  ytree                  1.94-1.1                     1.94-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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