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Testing migration summary 2011-09-23 (Friday)

On 2011-09-23 (Friday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package               version                   previous
  ambdec                       0.5.1-1                   0.4.4-3
  asm3                         3.3.2-1                   3.3.1-1
  c++-annotations              9.0.2-1                   9.0.1-1
  c2esp                        19-1                      18-5
  ca-certificates-java         20110912                  20110816
  cdo                          1.5.2.dfsg.1-2            1.5.1.dfsg.1-2
  dh-make-perl                 0.74-1                    0.73-1
  electric                     8.10-2                    8.10-1
  exec-maven-plugin            1.1.1+dfsg-3              1.1.1+dfsg-2
  fbautostart                  2.718281-1                2.71828-1
  fetchexc                     2.0-4                     2.0-3
  fillets-ng                   1.0.1-1                   1.0.0-1
  garcon                       0.1.9-1                   0.1.8-1
  gcc-4.5                      4.5.3-9                   4.5.3-5
  gnunet-qt                    1:0.8.1a-4                1:0.8.1a-3
  ibus-array                   0.0.2-6                   0.0.2-5
  inteltool                    0.0+r4091-1.2             0.0+r4091-1.1
  k3b                          2.0.2-3                   2.0.2-2
  libboolean-perl              0.28-1                    0.27-1
  libcgi-cookie-splitter-perl  0.02-2                    0.02-1
  libxfce4util                 4.8.2-1                   4.8.1-3
  maven-enforcer               1.0-1                     1.0~beta2-1
  maven-invoker-plugin         1.5-2                     1.5-1
  modestmaps-py                1.2.1-1                   1.1.0-1
  mutagen                      1.20-1                    1.19-2.2
  ninix-aya                    4.2.6-1                   4.2.4-1
  octave3.2                    3.2.4-12                  3.2.4-11
  openpyxl                     1.5.4-1                   1.5.3+hg365-1
  packagekit                   0.6.18-1                  0.6.15-1
  pfb2t1c2pfb                  0.3-7                     0.3-6
  php5                         5.3.8-2                   5.3.8-1
  pidgin-skype                 20110407+svn612+dfsg-1.1  20110407+svn612+dfsg-1
  pinta                        1.0-3                     1.0-2
  postgresql-9.1               9.1.0-1                   9.1~rc1-3
  pycountry                    0.14.1+ds1-1              0.12.1+ds1-2
  quilt                        0.48-8                    0.48-7
  rquantlib                    0.3.8-1                   0.3.7-3
  sl-modem                     2.9.11~20110321-4         2.9.11~20110321-3
  swish++                      6.1.5-2.1                 6.1.5-2
  tilestache                   1.19.0-1                  1.10.6-1
  tina                         0.1.11-3                  0.1.11-2
  tomcat6                      6.0.32-6                  6.0.32-5
  uim-chewing                  0.1.0-1         
  uncertainties                1.7.4-1                   1.7.1-1
  vym                          1.13.39-1                 1.13.36-1
  wmakerconf                   2.12-3                    2.12-2
  xautomation                  1.03-1.1                  1.03-1
  xsensors                     0.70-2                    0.70-1.1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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