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Testing migration summary 2011-09-11 (Sunday)

On 2011-09-11 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                              version                     previous
  aeolus                                      0.8.4-6                     0.8.4-5
  aha                                         0.4.4-1                     0.4.3-1
  ampsharp                                    2.0.4-1                     (not in testing)
  armadillo                                   2.2.3+dfsg-1                2.0.1+dfsg-1
  blazeblogger                                1.2.0-2                     1.2.0-1
  bzr-gtk                                     0.100.0+bzr737-1            0.100.0+bzr734-1
  clojure                                     1.1.0+dfsg-2                1.1.0+dfsg-1
  courier-authlib                             0.63.0-4                    0.63.0-3.1
  cvsconnect                                  0.1.cvs20001202-2           0.1.cvs20001202-1
  dfu-util                                    0.4-1                       0.3-1
  dotclear                                    2.3.1+dfsg-1                (not in testing)
  elyxer                                      1.2.3-1                     1.2.2-1
  eventlog                                    0.2.12-3                    0.2.12-1
  freehep-io                                  2.0.2-4                     2.0.2-3
  fritzing                                    0.6.3b+dfsg-3               (not in testing)
  gdc-4.4                                     1.063-4.4.6-6               1.063-4.4.6-4
  ghc-mod                                     0.6.1-1                     (not in testing)
  gridsite                                    1.7.15-2                    1.7.13-5
  gupnp-dlna                                  0.6.3-1                     0.6.1-1
  haskell-entropy                             0.2.1-1                     (not in testing)
  haskell-mode                                2.8.0-1                     2.7.0-2.1
  highlight                                   3.5-3                       3.5-2
  ifplugd                                     0.28-19                     0.28-18
  ispell.pt                                   20110823-1                  20110608-1
  libdbd-xbase-perl                           1:1.03-1                    1:0.241-7
  libdist-zilla-perl                          4.300000-1                  4.200009-1
  libdist-zilla-plugin-podspellingtests-perl  1.111520-1                  1.103491-1
  libemail-send-perl                          2.198-4                     2.198-3
  libgee                                      0.6.1-3                     0.6.1-2
  libisrt-java                                4.8.20100629-1              4.7.20091102-1
  libjibx1.2-java                             1.2.3-1                     1.2.1-1
  libperl-prereqscanner-perl                  1.007-1                     1.004-1
  libpoe-component-syndicator-perl            0.06-1                      (not in testing)
  libsubtitles-perl                           1.03-1                      1.02-1
  libtest-spec-perl                           0.39-1                      0.36-1
  libtry-tiny-perl                            0.11-1                      0.09-1
  libws-commons-util-java                     1.0.1-6                     (not in testing)
  libxml-security-java                        1.4.5-1                     1.4.3-2
  magit                                       1.0.0-2                     1.0.0-1
  maildirsync                                 1.2-1                       1.1-2
  mdds                                        0.5.3-2                     0.3.1-1
  mew                                         1:6.3-3                     1:6.3-2
  mew-beta                                    7.0.50~6.3.51+0.20110819-1  7.0.50~6.3.51+0.20110629-1
  openais                                     1.1.4-2                     1.1.2-2
  openclipart                                 0.18+dfsg-12                0.18+dfsg-11
  pidgin-microblog                            0.3.0-3                     0.3.0-2
  ptouch-driver                               1.3-1                       (not in testing)
  python-ttystatus                            0.14-1                      0.13-1
  rinse                                       1.9.1-1                     1.9-1
  ruby-bcrypt                                 3.0.0-1                     2.1.4-2
  ruby-cmdparse                               2.0.3-1                     (not in testing)
  ruby-httpclient                             2.2.1-1                     (not in testing)
  scanbuttond                                 0.2.3.cvs20090713-7         0.2.3.cvs20090713-6
  snd                                         11.7-1                      (not in testing)
  sphinx-issuetracker                         0.8-1                       (not in testing)
  swing-layout                                1.0.4-2                     1.0.4-1
  testrepository                              0.0.5-1.1                   0.0.5-1
  trafficserver                               3.0.1-2                     3.0.0-1
  udt                                         4.9-1                       4.8-2
  undertaker                                  1.2-1                       1.1-2
  vim-rails                                   4.5~20110829-1              (not in testing)
  xmlbeans-maven-plugin                       2.3.3-3                     2.3.3-1
  zookeeper                                   3.3.3+dfsg2-2               (not in testing)

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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