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Testing migration summary 2011-09-10 (Saturday)

On 2011-09-10 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                version                  previous
  aqemu                         0.8.2-1                  0.8.1-1
  binutils-m68hc1x              1:2.18-3.1               1:2.18-3
  bleachbit                     0.9.0-1                  0.8.8-2
  bnd                           0.0.384-2                0.0.384-1
  buxon                         0.0.5-3                  0.0.4-1
  bzr-builddeb                  2.7.8                    2.7.7
  bzr-dbus                      0.1~bzr51-1              0.1~bzr50-2
  c2esp                         18-5                     18-4
  cb2bib                        1.4.6-1                  1.4.4-3
  cciss-vol-status              1.09-2                   1.09-1
  checkmp3                      1.98-10                  1.98-9
  checkpolicy                   2.1.0-1                  2.0.23-1
  chromium-browser              13.0.782.220~r99552-1    13.0.782.107~r94237-1
  claws-mail                    3.7.10-1                 3.7.9-1
  claws-mail-extra-plugins      3.7.10-2                 3.7.9-2
  commons-httpclient            3.1-10                   3.1-9
  commons-vfs                   1.0-6                    1.0-5
  cups-pdf                      2.5.1-4                  2.5.1-3
  dh-kpatches                   0.99.36+nmu1             0.99.36
  edfbrowser                    1.38-1                   1.30-1
  eigen3                        3.0.2-2                  3.0.1-1
  espctag                       0.2.2-2                  0.2.2-1
  fatsort                          0.9.14-1
  freehep-export                2.1.1-2                  2.1.1-1
  freetds                       0.82-8                   0.82-7
  fso-usaged                    0.9.5+git20110805-2
  gbrowse                       2.39~dfsg-2              2.38~dfsg-1
  gcalcli                       2.1-1                    1.4-6
  get-iplayer                   2.80-1                   2.79+git20110807-1
  glx-alternatives              0.1.93                   0.1.91
  gmp                           2:5.0.2+dfsg-1           2:5.0.1+dfsg-7
  gmp-doc                       5.0.2-1                  5.0.1-1
  gnupg2                        2.0.18-1                 2.0.17-2
  gpsdrive                      2.10~pre4-6.dfsg-5.1     2.10~pre4-6.dfsg-5
  grdesktop                     0.23+d040330-2           0.23+d040330-1
  gsoap                         2.8.3-2                  2.8.3-1
  gtk+3.0                       3.0.12-2                 3.0.11-1
  hddtemp                       0.3-beta15-49            0.3-beta15-48
  hnb                           1.9.18-9                 1.9.18-8
  ifupdown                      0.7~alpha5+really0.6.15  0.7~alpha5+really0.6.10
  ijs                           0.35-8                   0.35-7.1
  jas-plotter                   2.2.6+dfsg1-2            2.2.6+dfsg1-1
  javatar                       2.5+dfsg-5               2.5+dfsg-4
  jifty                         1.10518+dfsg-1           0.91117+dfsg-3
  jp2a                          1.0.6-3.1                1.0.6-3
  jzlib                         1.0.7-4                  1.0.7-3
  l2tp-ipsec-vpn                1.0.1-1                  (not in testing)
  l2tp-ipsec-vpn-daemon         0.9.6-1                  (not in testing)
  lame                          3.98.4+repack2-6         3.98.4+repack2-4
  lcd4linux                     0.11.0~svn1158-1         0.11.0~svn1143-1
  libaio                        0.3.109-2                0.3.109-1
  libalien-wxwidgets-perl       0.52+dfsg-1              0.51+dfsg-1
  libapache-htpasswd-perl       1.8-1.1                  1.8-1
  libapp-nopaste-perl           0.31-1                   0.28-1
  libass                        0.9.13-1                 0.9.12-1
  libast                        0.7-6                    0.7-4
  libcgi-emulate-psgi-perl      0.12-1                   0.10-1
  libcgi-psgi-perl              0.15-1                   0.13-1
  libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl       1.3-10                   1.3-9
  libdata-objectdriver-perl     0.09-1                   0.08-1
  libdatetime-timezone-perl     1:1.36-1+2011i           1:1.35-1+2011h
  libdbd-interbase-perl         0.48-3                   0.48-2
  libdbd-mock-perl              1.43-1                   1.42-1
  libdevice-usb-perl            0.35-2                   0.35-1
  libfile-slurp-perl            9999.19-1                9999.16-1
  libgeo-helmerttransform-perl  1.14-1                   1.13-2
  libhtml-fillinform-perl       2.10-1                   2.00-2
  libimager-perl                0.85+dfsg-1              0.82+dfsg-1
  libjgrapht0.6-java            0.6.0-10                 0.6.0-9
  libjifty-plugin-chart-perl    1.01+dfsg-2              1.01+dfsg-1
  libjrosetta-java              1.0.2+gpl-4              1.0.2+gpl-3
  libktoblzcheck                1.34-1                   1.33-3
  libmakefile-dom-perl          0.006-1                  0.004-1
  libmodule-metadata-perl       1.000006-1               1.000005-1
  libnet-sslglue-perl           0.8-1                    0.5-1
  libpar-packer-perl            1.010-1                  1.008-1
  libpetal-perl                 2.20-1                   2.19-2
  libselinux                    2.1.0-1                  2.0.98-1.1
  libsemanage                   2.1.0-2                  2.0.46-1
  libsepol                      2.1.0-1.1                2.0.42-1
  libskinlf-java                6.7-7                    6.7-6
  libsoap-lite-perl             0.714-1                  0.713-1
  libspctag                     0.1-2                    0.1-1
  libtablelayout-java           20090826-2               20090826-1
  libtest-valgrind-perl         1.13-1                   1.12-1
  liburi-fetch-perl             0.09-1                   0.08-1
  massxpert                     3.1.0-1                  3.0.0-1
  mccs                          1:1.1-1                  1.01.1-3
  mimedefang                    2.71-2                   2.71-1
  mingw32-binutils              2.20-0.2                 2.20-0.1
  mmass                         3.12.1-1                 3.11.0-3
  munin                         1.4.6-1                  1.4.5-3
  myodbc                        5.1.6-2                  5.1.6-1
  ncbi-blast+                   2.2.25-5                 2.2.25-3
  netbeans-cvsclient            6.5-2                    6.5-1
  nordugrid-arc                 1.0.1-2                  1.0.1-1
  os-prober                     1.49                     1.47
  osc                           0.132.6-1                0.132.5-1
  padre                         0.90.ds1-1               0.76.ds1-1
  parmetis                      3.1.1-4                  3.1.1-3
  pbuilder                      0.202                    0.201
  pdb2pqr                       1.7-2                    1.7-1
  piespy                        0.4.0-2.2                0.4.0-2.1
  pioneers                      0.12.4-1                 0.12.3-4
  plexus-cli                    1.2-3                    1.2-2
  plexus-interpolation          1.11-3                   1.11-2
  plexus-sec-dispatcher         1.3.1-5                  1.3.1-4
  postgresql-filedump           9.0.0-1                  (not in testing)
  psqlodbc                      1:09.00.0310-2           1:09.00.0310-1
  pytagsfs                      0.9.2-5                  0.9.2-3
  python-dateutil               1.5-1                    1.4.1-4
  python-hl7                    0.2.1-1                  0.2.0-1
  python-recaptcha              1.0.6-1                  1.0.5-1
  r-cran-amelia                 1.5-4-1                  1.2-18-1
  r-cran-mass                   7.3-14-1                 7.3-13-1
  rastertosag-gdi               0.1-2                    (not in testing)
  refpolicy                     2:0.2.20100524-12        2:0.2.20100524-11
  reportbug                     6.2                      6.1
  sepolgen                      1.1.0-1                  1.0.23-1
  sqlline                       1.0.2-4                  1.0.2-3
  substance                     5.3-2                    5.3-1
  tagsoup                       1.2-3                    1.2-2
  taningia                      0.2.2-1                  0.2.1-1
  tinylaf                       1.4.0-2                  1.4.0-1
  torbutton                     1.4.1-1                  1.4.0-2
  torcs                         1.3.1-6                  1.3.1-5
  triplane                      1.0.7-1                  1.0.6-1
  ttf-mplus                     042-1                    041-1
  tzdata                        2011i-2                  2011h-3
  udisks                        1.0.4-1                  1.0.3-1
  unixodbc                      2.2.14p2-3               2.2.14p2-2
  uptimed                       1:0.3.16-3.2             1:0.3.16-3.1
  w3c-markup-validator          1.2+dfsg-2               1.2+dfsg-1
  webtest                       1.3-1                    1.2.4-1
  werken.xpath                  0.9.4-12                 0.9.4-11
  wiipdf                        1.4-2                    1.4-1
  wsdl4j                        1.6.2-3                  1.6.2-2
  xml-crimson                   1:1.1.3-11               1:1.1.3-10

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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