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Testing migration summary 2011-09-08 (Thursday)

On 2011-09-08 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                     version                      previous
  apticron                           1.1.51                       1.1.49
  avrdude                            5.11-1                       5.10-3
  bliss                              0.72-1                       0.71-2
  cardstories                        1.0.6-1                      1.0.5-1
  darktable                          0.9.2-1                      0.9.1-2
  dcmtk                              3.6.0-8                      3.6.0-7
  debdelta                           0.44                         0.43
  debian-edu-doc                     1.4~20110828~6.0.2~beta1     1.3~20100928~5.0.6+edu1
  empty-expect                       0.6.18b-3                    0.6.18b-2
  fonts-century-catalogue            001.001-5                    (not in testing)
  fonts-ecolier-lignes-court         1.00-4                       (not in testing)
  fonts-evertype-conakry             0.002+source-1               (not in testing)
  fonts-farsiweb                     0.4.dfsg-10                  (not in testing)
  fonts-freefarsi                    1.0.0~beta1-5                (not in testing)
  fop                                1:1.0.dfsg2-2                1:0.95.dfsg-11
  freeciv                            2.3.0-1                      2.2.7-2
  gatling                            0.12-9                       0.12-8
  gfxboot                            4.4.3-1                      4.2.2-1
  gfxboot-examples                   4.4.3-2.5-1                  4.2.2-1.2-1
  gresolver                          0.0.5-5                      0.0.5-4
  haskell-cmdargs                    0.8-1                        0.7-1
  haskell-maths                      0.3.3-1                      (not in testing)
  haskell-webkit                     0.12.1-2                     0.12.1-1
  herbstluftwm                       0~git2011.08.28-1            (not in testing)
  hubbub                             0.0.1-1.2                    0.0.1-1.1
  i3-wm                              4.0.2-1                      4.0.1-1
  kcheckers                          0.8.1-3                      0.8.1-2
  libautovivification-perl           0.10-1                       0.09-1
  libcairo-perl                      1.071-1                      1.070-2
  libdebian-copyright-perl           0.1-1                        (not in testing)
  libgsf                             1.14.21-2                    1.14.21-1
  libhtml-tableextract-perl          2.11-1                       2.10-4
  liblinux-inotify2-perl             1:1.22-0.2                   1:1.2-0.1
  liblwp-protocol-socks-perl         1.5-1                        1.3-1
  libmime-types-perl                 1.32-1                       1.30-1
  libmodplug                         1:                  1:
  libmoosex-declare-perl             0.35-1                       0.34-1
  libmoosex-log-log4perl-perl        0.43-1                       0.42-1
  libmoosex-role-parameterized-perl  0.27-1                       0.26-1
  libnet-github-perl                 0.30-1                       0.28-1
  libnet-imap-client-perl            0.9501-1                     0.95-1
  libnet-imap-simple-perl            1.2024-1                     1.2023-1
  liborlite-mirror-perl              1.22-1                       1.20-2
  libparanoid-perl                   0.30-1                       0.29-1
  libpod-simple-perl                 3.19-1                       3.16-1
  libsvn-hooks-perl                  1.07-1                       1.05-1
  libsvn-look-perl                   0.26-1                       0.24-1
  libsys-virt-perl                   0.9.4-1                      0.9.3-1
  libtest-aggregate-perl             0.364-1                      (not in testing)
  libtest-spelling-perl              0.15-1                       0.14-1
  libusbtc08                         1.7.2-1                      (not in testing)
  libwww-mechanize-perl              1.70-1                       1.68-1
  mantis                             1.2.7-1                      1.2.6-1
  maven-ear-plugin                   2.3.2-2                      2.3.2-1
  maven-ejb-plugin                   2.2-2                        2.2-1
  mesa                               7.11-5                       7.10.3-4
  micro-evtd                         3.4-1                        3.3.3-7
  nasm                               2.09.10-1                    2.09.08-1
  nethack                            3.4.3-12.2                   3.4.3-12.1
  obnam                              0.22-2                       (not in testing)
  open-vm-tools                      2:8.4.2+2011.08.21-471295-1  (not in testing)
  opendnssec                         1.3.0-2                      1.2.1.dfsg-1
  openvpn-auth-ldap                  2.0.3-1.1                    2.0.3-1
  pdp                                1:0.12.5-1.1                 (not in testing)
  playitslowly                       1.3.1-2                      1.3.1-1
  plexus-component-api               1.0.0~alpha22-3              1.0.0~alpha22-2
  plexus-i18n                        1.0-beta-10-3                1.0-beta-10-2
  plexus-interactivity-api           1.0-alpha-6-6                1.0-alpha-6-5
  plexus-velocity                    1.1.7-4                      1.1.7-3
  png-sixlegs                        1.3.0-2                      1.3.0-1
  pyinotify                          0.9.2-1                      0.9.1-1
  pymol                              1.4.1-1                      1.3r2-1
  python-psutil                      0.3.0+r1112-1                0.2.1-1
  ruby-progressbar                   0.9-2                        (not in testing)
  traceroute                         1:2.0.18-1                   1:2.0.15-1
  uchardet                           0.0.1-1                      (not in testing)
  xfonts-knickers                    0.0.1-7                      0.0.1-6

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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