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Testing migration summary 2011-09-06 (Tuesday)

On 2011-09-06 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                             version            previous
  adios                                      1.3-7              1.2.1-2
  apt-dater                                  0.8.5-3            0.8.5-2
  b43-fwcutter                               1:015-1            1:014-9
  ckport                                     0.1~rc0-1          0.1~beta2-1
  drupal6-mod-imageapi                       1.10-1             1.9-1
  drupal6-mod-imagefield                     3.10-1             3.9-1
  drush                                      4.5-1              4.4-2
  dvipng                                     1.14-1             1.13-1
  eglibc                                     2.13-18            2.13-16
  elektra                                    0.7.1-1            0.7.0-4
  eyed3                                      0.6.17-2           0.6.17-1
  febootstrap                                3.9-1              2.7-0.1
  fotowall                                   0.9-6              0.9-5
  gamera                                     3.3.1-1            3.3.0-2
  gecrit                                     2.8.1-1            2.7.1-1
  geoip                                      1.4.8+dfsg-2       1.4.8+dfsg-1
  geoip-database                             20110826-1         20110709-1
  glew                                       1.6.0-4            1.6.0-3
  glusterfs                                  3.2.3-1            3.2.1-1
  grig                                       0.8.0-1            0.7.2-5
  hatari                                     1.5.0-1            1.4.0-2
  heartbeat                                  1:3.0.5-2          1:3.0.4-1.1
  hexalate                                   1.0.1-3            1.0.1-2
  icinga                                     1.5.0-2            1.4.2-1
  libcgi-application-plugin-ajaxupload-perl  0.0.3-2            0.0.3-1
  libdevel-leak-perl                         0.03-2             0.03-1
  libguestfs                                 1.12.4-2           (not in testing)
  libkate                                    0.4.1-1            0.3.8-1
  liblocales-perl                            0.19-1             0.16-1
  libmoose-perl                              2.0204-1           2.0202-2
  libxerces2-java                            2.11.0-2           2.9.1-4.1
  lightspark                                 0.5.0-2            (not in testing)
  lsb                                        3.2-28             3.2-27
  microdc2                                   0.15.6-2           0.15.6-1
  motion                                     3.2.12-3           (not in testing)
  mpich2                                     1.4.1-1            1.4-1
  muroar                                     0.1.5-1            0.1.4-2
  nslint                                     3.0a2-1.1          3.0a2-1
  nss                                        3.12.11-3          3.12.11-2
  openvswitch                                1.2.1-2            1.1.1-1
  p11-kit                                    0.4-2              0.3-2
  packaging-tutorial                         0.3                0.2
  pdfrw                                      0+svn136-3         (not in testing)
  pidgin-libnotify                           0.14-6             0.14-5
  python-enable                              4.0.0-2            4.0.0-1
  qcomicbook                                 0.8.1-1            0.7.2-1
  radiusclient                               0.3.2-14           0.3.2-13
  raptor                                     1.4.21-6           1.4.21-5
  resource-agents                            1:3.9.2-3          (not in testing)
  rst2pdf                                    0.16-2             0.16-1.1
  sun-java6                                  6.26-3             6.26-1
  torsocks                                   1.1+git20110826-1  1.1-4
  vrms                                       1.16               1.15
  xml-commons-external                       1.4.01-2           1.3.05-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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