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Testing migration summary 2011-09-04 (Sunday)

On 2011-09-04 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                     version                     previous
  avfs                               1.0.0-1                     0.9.9-1
  bam                                0.4.0-3                     0.4.0-2
  base-installer                     1.121                       1.120
  bcfg2                              1.1.2-2                     1.1.2-1
  c-icap                             1:0.1.6-1                   1:0.1.5-1
  choosewm                           0.1.6-3                     0.1.6-2
  deluge                             1.3.3-1                     1.3.2-1
  fdsend                             0.2.1-2                     (not in testing)
  flann                              1.6.11-1                    (not in testing)
  flute-1.3-jfree                    20061107-8                  20061107-7
  fonts-droid                        20101110+git-2              (not in testing)
  fonts-dustin                       20030517-8                  (not in testing)
  fonts-dzongkha                     0.3-7                       (not in testing)
  foxtrotgps                         1.0.1-4                     1.0.1-3
  gitg                               0.2.4-1                     0.0.6-3
  gst-qa-system                      0.0+git20110823.aa63792f-1  0.0+git20110503.adaa784c-2
  keyutils                           1.5.2-2                     1.4-6
  kgb-bot                            1.14-1                      1.13-1
  libcdb-file-perl                   0.97-1                      (not in testing)
  libchewing                         0.3.3-1                     0.3.2-2
  libdancer-perl                     1.3072+dfsg-1               1.3071+dfsg-1
  libgrits                           0.5.1-1                     0.5-1
  libnet-snmp-perl                   6.0.1-2                     6.0.1-1
  libnews-article-nocem-perl         0.08-1                      (not in testing)
  libplack-middleware-deflater-perl  0.05-1                      (not in testing)
  libtfbs-perl                       0.5.svn.20100421-1          0.5.svn.20091128-1
  libtool                            2.4-4                       2.4-3
  libwww-youtube-download-perl       0.32-1                      0.30-1
  live-config                        3.0~a26-1                   3.0~a24-1
  live-manual                        1:3.0~a7-1                  1:3.0~a4-1
  m2300w                             0.51-4                      0.51-2
  maven-install-plugin               2.3-3                       2.3-2
  maven-jar-plugin                   2.2-5                       2.2-4
  maven-plugin-testing               1.2-3                       1.2-2
  maven-reporting-impl               2.0.5-1           
  maven-repository-builder           1.0~alpha2-2                1.0~alpha2-1
  maven-resources-plugin             2.3-6                       2.3-5
  maven-shade-plugin                 1.2.1-3                     1.2.1-2
  maven-shared-io                    1.1-4                       1.1-3
  maven-verifier                     1.2-1                       1.0-1
  mongodb-perl                       0.44-2                      0.39-1
  mspdebug                           0.17-1                      0.16-1
  mtpaint                            3.31-5                      3.31-4
  netsed                             1.00b-2                     1.00b-1
  ninix-aya                          4.2.4-1                     4.2.1-1
  ofono                              0.53-2                      0.36-1
  packaging-dev                      0.2                         0.1.1
  pdfminer                           20110515+dfsg-1             (not in testing)
  php5                               5.3.8-1                     5.3.6-13
  plexus-utils                       1:1.5.15-4                  (not in testing)
  python-cliapp                      0.18-1                      0.15.1-1
  python-dexml                       0.4.2-1                     (not in testing)
  python-mock                        0.7.2-1                     0.6.0-1.1
  qt-x11-free                        3:3.3.8b-11                 3:3.3.8b-10
  quickplot                          0.8.15-3                    0.8.15-2
  quota                              4.00-1                      4.00~pre1-7
  rakudo                             0.1~2011.07-1               0.1~2011.04-1
  readline6                          6.2-4                       6.2-2
  reportbug-ng                       1.25                        1.24
  reprepro                           4.7.0-1                     4.6.1-1
  sbcl                               2:                1:
  seivot                             1.12-1                      1.11-1
  sip4                               4.12.4-1                    4.12.3-1
  sudo                               1.8.2-1                     1.7.4p6-1
  tagcoll2                           2.0.13-1                    2.0.12-1
  texinfo                            4.13a.dfsg.1-8              4.13a.dfsg.1-6
  unixodbc-gui-qt                    2.3.0-1                     (not in testing)
  urfkill                            0.2.0-1                     (not in testing)
  vala-0.12                          0.12.1-2                    0.12.1-1
  virtualbox-guest-additions-iso     4.1.2-1                     4.1.0-1
  xacobeo                            0.13-2                      0.13-1
  zabbix                             1:1.8.6-1                   1:1.8.5-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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