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Testing migration summary 2011-09-01 (Thursday)

On 2011-09-01 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version                     previous
  apache2                    2.2.19-2                    2.2.19-1
  apt-cacher-ng              0.6.6-1                     0.6.3-1
  bgoffice                   4.1-3                       4.1-2
  bzr-search                 1.7.0~bzr86-3               1.7.0~bzr86-2
  ca-certificates            20110502+nmu1               20110502
  cairo-clock                0.3.4-2                     0.3.4-1
  ccache                     3.1.6-1                     3.1.5-2
  cdw                        0.7.0-1                     0.6.0-1
  dactyl                     1.0~b6-2                    1.0~b6-1
  db                         5.1.25-11                   5.1.25-10
  dclock                     2.2.2-6                     2.2.2-5
  debootstrap                1.0.36                      1.0.35
  dpatch                     2.0.32                      2.0.31
  dtrx                       6.6-1.1                     6.6-1
  gameclock                  3.1-2                       3.1-1
  gexiv2                     0.2.2-5                     0.2.2-4
  gl2ps                      1.3.6-1                     1.3.5-2
  hivex                      1.3.0-3                     1.2.7-1
  ispell-uk                  1.6.5-2                     1.6.5-1
  jajuk                      1:1.9.5-2                   1:1.9.5-1
  jmock                      1.0.1-6                     1.0.1-5
  k9copy                     2.3.7-3                     2.3.7-2
  kbd-chooser                1.62                        1.61
  kradio4                    4.0.2-5                     4.0.2-3
  ldb                        1:1.1.2~git20110807-1       1:1.1.0-1
  libfso-glib                2011.06.01.1-1              2010.05.11.2-1.2
  libfsoresource             0.9.0+git20110805-1         0.1.1~git20100517-1.1
  libgsm0710mux              0.9.2+git20110805-1         0.9.1+git20100322-2.1
  libmodule-corelist-perl    2.55-1                      2.54-1
  libnet-dbus-perl           1.0.0-1                     0.33.6-2
  libnet-stomp-perl          0.42-1                      0.41-1
  liboxford-calendar-perl    2.05-1                      2.04-1
  libspring-java             3.0.6.RELEASE-1             3.0.5.RELEASE-3
  mandelbulber               1:1.08-1                    (not in testing)
  maria                      1.3.5-4                     1.3.5-3
  maven-archiver             2.4-4                       2.4-2
  maven-dependency-analyzer  1.2-1                       1.1-2
  maven2                     2.2.1-7                     2.2.1-6
  mutagen                    1.19-2.2                    1.19-2.1
  nama                       1.078-1                     1.073-1
  openttd                    1.1.2-1                     1.0.4-3
  openttd-opengfx            0.3.5-1                     0.3.4-1
  parcimonie                 0.5.2-1                     0.5.1-3
  pastescript                         1.7.3-7
  protoaculous               3+nmu1                      3
  python-cogent              1.5.1-1                     1.5-3
  python-distutils-extra     2.29-1                      2.28-1
  python-poster              0.7.0-1.1                   0.7.0-1
  qtoctave                   0.10.1-2                    0.10.1-1
  quitcount                  1.8-2                       1.8-1
  racket                     5.1.3+dfsg1-1               5.1.1+dfsg1-2
  scribus-doc                1.3.9.dfsg+svn20110210-1.1  1.3.9.dfsg+svn20110210-1
  shotwell                   0.10.1-1                    0.9.3-1
  sineshaper                 0.4.2-7                     0.4.2-6
  sox                        14.3.2-2                    14.3.2-1
  surefire                   2.4.3-4                     2.4.3-3
  tty-clock                  1.0-3                       (not in testing)
  usbutils                   1:004-2                     1:003-1
  xview                      3.2p1.4-28                  3.2p1.4-27
  zynaddsubfx                2.4.0-1.2                   2.4.0-1.1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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