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Testing migration summary 2011-07-18 (Monday)

On 2011-07-18 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package              version       previous
  coco-cs                     20110419-1.1  20110419-1
  feh                         1.14.2-1      1.14.1-1
  gbrainy                     2.0-1         1.65-1
  git-buildpackage            0.5.26        0.5.25
  gpointing-device-settings   1.5.1-5       1.5.1-4
  gtkwave                     3.3.23-1      3.3.22-1
  hedgewars                   0.9.15-4      (not in testing)
  input-pad                   1.0.1-1       1.0.0-2
  javatools                   0.37          0.36.1
  klatexformula               3.2.4-1       3.2.3-1
  libdist-zilla-perl          4.200009-1    4.200008-1
  libgravatar-url-perl        1.05-1        1.04-1
  librdf-rdfa-generator-perl  0.102-1       0.101-1
  libtest-spec-perl           0.36-1        0.33-1
  medit                       1.0.3-1       0.10.4-1
  org-mode                    7.6-1         7.5-2
  palbart                     2.4-6         2.4-5
  python-mpd                  0.3.0-3       0.3.0-2
  sxiv                        0.8.2-3       (not in testing)
  upower                      0.9.12-1      0.9.11-1
  vmware-manager              0.1.1-2       (not in testing)
  wav2cdr                     2.3.4-1       2.3.3-11

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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