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Testing migration summary 2011-03-02 (Wednesday)

On 2011-03-02 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version               previous
  aha                        0.4-1                 (not in testing)
  apng2gif                   1.1-1                 (not in testing)
  asclock                    2.0.12-19             2.0.12-18
  backbone                   0.3.3-4               (not in testing)
  cdw                        0.6.0-1               0.3.3-2
  clamav                     0.97+dfsg-1           0.96.5+dfsg-1.1
  codeblocks                 10.05-1               (not in testing)
  cups                       1.4.6-1               1.4.5-3
  cups-pdf                   2.5.1-1               2.5.0-17
  dbf                        0.88.16-1             (not in testing)
  desktop-base               6.0.6                 6.0.5
  devscripts                 2.10.71               2.10.69
  doclifter                  2.6-1                 2.3-2.1
  ecs                        2.0.1-1               2.0.0.rc1-3
  fbreader                   0.12.10dfsg-2         0.10.7dfsg-4
  gitolite                   1.5.7-2               1.5.7-1
  gitpkg                     0.18                  0.17
  gpsd                       2.95-10               2.95-8
  guidata                    1.2.5-1               (not in testing)
  icli                       0.4-1                 (not in testing)
  json-js                    0~20101208-1          (not in testing)
  kernel-wedge               2.74                  2.73
  libapache2-mod-qos         9.49-1                9.47-1
  libcdk5                    5.0.20060507-4        5.0.20060507-2
  libcgns                    2.5.5-1               2.5.4-3
  libchi-perl                0.39-1                0.36-1
  libdatetime-timezone-perl  1:1.28-1+2011b        1:1.23-1+2010n
  libeatmydata               26-2                  26-1
  libfreenect                1:0.0.1+20101211+2-1  (not in testing)
  libgdata                   0.6.4-3               0.6.4-2
  libgsf                     1.14.19-3             1.14.19-2
  libksba                    1.1.0-2               1.0.7-2
  libp11                     0.2.7-3               0.2.7-2
  libphysfs                  2.0.2-1               2.0.1-2
  libplack-perl              0.9969-1              0.9963-1
  love                       0.7.1-1               0.5.0-2
  lunzip                     1.0-2                 (not in testing)
  massxpert                  2.4.3-1               2.4.2-1
  meld                       1.4.0-2               1.3.2-2
  mksh                       39.3.20110218-1       39.3.20100725-1
  nspr                       4.8.7-2               4.8.6-1
  pbuilder                   0.199+nmu2            0.199+nmu1
  pd-mapping                 0.2-1                 (not in testing)
  pdftk                      1.41+dfsg-11          1.41+dfsg-10
  projectcenter.app          0.6.0-1               0.5.3~20100601-2
  python-clamav              0.4.1-4               0.4.1-3
  routino                    1.5.1-1               (not in testing)
  rtfm                       2.4.3-1               2.4.2-4
  sarg                       2.3.1-2               (not in testing)
  simpletal                  4.1-7                 4.1-6
  socnetv                    0.90-1                0.81-1
  syslinux                   2:4.03+dfsg-12        2:4.02+dfsg-7
  tftp-hpa                   5.0-22                5.0-21
  thunar-volman              0.3.80-5              0.3.80-4
  ttf-larabie                1:20011216-3          1:20011216-1.1
  ttf-tmuni                  1.901b-2              1.901b-1
  ttf-yanone-kaffeesatz      0.20100525-1          (not in testing)
  underscore                 1.1.4-1               (not in testing)
  w3c-linkchecker            4.6-1                 (not in testing)
  winff                      1.3.2-1               1.3.0-1
  xfce4-power-manager        0.8.5-3               0.8.5-2
  zim                        0.50-1                0.49-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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