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Testing migration summary 2010-04-16 (Friday)

On 2010-04-16 (Friday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version              previous
  advi                       1.9.0-1              1.9-2
  barnowl                    1.5.1-1              1.5-1
  bisonc++                   2.7.0-1              2.5.1-1
  blueproximity              1.2.5-5              1.2.5-4
  ccspatch                   1.7.2-20100401-3     1.7.2-20100401-1
  cluster                    1.12.3-1             1.12.1-2
  commons-beanutils          1.8.3-1              1.8.2-1
  commons-math               2.1-1                2.0-3
  cron                       3.0pl1-109           3.0pl1-108
  cups                       1.4.3-1              1.4.2-4
  curl                       7.20.0-3             7.20.0-2
  debian-keyring             2010.03.31           2009.11.04
  devhelp                    2.30.0-1             2.28.1-1
  dhcp-probe                 1.3.0-5              1.3.0-4
  dmg2img                    1.6.2-1              1.6.1-1
  duply                        1.5.2-1
  dx                         1:4.4.4-3            1:4.4.4-2
  fglrx-driver               1:10-3~prerelease-3  (not in testing)
  foreign                    0.8.40-1             0.8.39-1
  fswebcam                   20100401-1           20091224-1
  gamgi                      0.14.7-1             0.14.6-1
  gmime2.4                   2.4.14-1+nmu1        2.4.14-1
  gnome-backgrounds          2.30.0-1             2.28.0-1
  gnome-keyring-sharp        1.0.0-3              1.0.0-2
  gnome-media                2.30.0-1             2.28.1-1
  gnome-vfs                  1:2.24.3-1           1:2.24.2-2
  gtk2-engines               1:2.20.0-1           1:2.18.5-2
  gtk2-engines-cleanice      2.4.1-1              (not in testing)
  hobbit-plugins             20100320             20091007
  hspell                     1.1-1                1.0-4.1
  irssi                      0.8.15-1             0.8.15~rc1-1
  java-common                0.35                 0.34
  kdevplatform               0.10.0-1             0.9.99-1
  krb5                       1.8.1+dfsg-2         1.8+dfsg~alpha1-7
  libbio-samtools-perl       1.14-1               1.12-1
  libbonobo                  2.24.3-1             2.24.2-1
  libcatalyst-modules-perl   40                   39
  libgnome                   2.30.0-1             2.28.0-1
  libgnomeui                 2.24.3-1             2.24.2-1
  libjson-perl               2.21-1               2.17-1
  libpoe-perl                2:1.2890-1           2:1.2870-1
  libsoup2.4                 2.30.0-1             2.29.91-1
  live-initramfs             1.177.2-1            1.177.1-1
  maven-debian-helper        0.12                 0.9
  maven-repo-helper          1.0.6                1.0.5
  maven2-core                2.2.1-2              2.2.1-1
  mvel                       2.0.17-1             2.0.16-1
  ognl                       2.7.3-3              2.7.3-2
  openafs                    1.4.12+dfsg-3        1.4.11+dfsg-6
  openscap                   0.5.8-1              0.5.7-1
  pciutils                   1:3.1.7-3            1:3.1.7-2
  postgresql-common          106                  105
  pydf                       9                    8
  pyodbc                     2.1.7-1              2.1.6-1
  pysycache                  3.1-3                3.1-2
  roundup                    1.4.13-1             1.4.11-1
  simh                       3.8.1-2              3.8.1-1
  skipfish                   1.29b-1              (not in testing)
  slony1                     1.2.20-4             1.2.20-3
  sympy                      0.6.7-1              0.6.6-1
  tiger                      1:3.2.3-3            1:3.2.3-2
  tora                       2.1.2-1              2.1.1-1
  trac-accountmanager        0.2.1+r7731-1        0.2.1+r7163-1
  tunnelx                    20090624-2           20090624-1
  tzdata                     2010h-1              2010f-2
  webpy                      1:0.34-2             1:0.34-1
  whois                      5.0.2                5.0.1
  wml                        2.0.11ds2-1          2.0.11ds1-0.4
  xserver-xorg-video-vmware  1:11.0.1-1           1:10.16.9-1
  zendframework              1.10.3-1             1.10.2-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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