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Testing migration summary 2010-04-14 (Wednesday)

On 2010-04-14 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                   version                   previous
  aafigure                         0.5-1                     0.4-2
  acpi                             1.5-1                     1.4-2
  acpitool                         0.5.1-1                   0.5-7
  alacarte                         0.13.1-1                  0.12.4-2
  almanah                          0.7.2-1                   0.7.1-1
  apache2                          2.2.15-3                  2.2.15-2
  aplus-fsf                        4.22.1-4                  (not in testing)
  apt-dater                        0.8.3-1                   0.8.2-2
  aspell-fr                        0.50-3-7                  0.50-3-6
  assaultcube                      1.0.4repack1-3            1.0.4repack1-1
  assaultcube-data                 1.0.4+repack1-1           1.0.2+repack1-1
  atk1.0                           1.30.0-1                  1.28.0-1
  barcode                          0.98+debian-9             0.98+debian-8
  bbdb                             2.35.cvs20080316-6        2.35.cvs20080316-5
  belier                           1.2-2                     1.2-1
  bibtex2html                      1.95-1                    1.94-5
  binfmt-support                   1.2.18                    1.2.17
  boinc-app-seti                   5.13+cvs20060510-7        5.13+cvs20060510-6
  boot                             1.2.42-1                  1.2.41-1
  cabextract                       1.2-4                     1.2-3
  cadabra                          1.20-2                    1.20-1
  caspar                           20100223-1                20091115-1
  cfget                            0.11-1                    0.10-1
  chameleon-cursor-theme           0.5-3                     0.5-2
  checkpolicy                      2.0.21-1                  2.0.20-1
  cheetah                                 2.4.1-1
  chicken                          4.4.0-1                   4.2.0-1
  chronicle                        4.3-1                     4.2-2
  clamsmtp                         1.10-6                    1.10-5
  cpufreqd                         2.4.1-1                   2.3.3-4
  crash                            5.0.2-1                   5.0.1-1
  creoleparser                     0.7.0-1                   0.6.1-1
  cupt                             1.5.9                     1.5.8
  dbconfig-common                  1.8.46                    1.8.45
  ddclient                         3.8.0-11                  3.8.0-10
  deal                             3.1.9-1                   3.1.7+svn313-1
  debdelta                         0.39                      0.38
  debmirror                        1:2.4.4                   1:2.4.3
  defoma                           0.11.11                   0.11.10-4
  dh-make                          0.53                      0.52
  distcc                           3.1-3.1                   3.1-3
  djvusmooth                       0.2.4-1                   0.2.3-1
  eekboek                          2.00.00-1                 1.04.04-1
  emdebian-rootfs                  2.0.7                     2.0.6
  emoslib                          000380+dfsg-3             000380+dfsg-2
  epigrass                         2.0.1~dfsg-1              2.0b3~dfsg-2
  eukleides                        1.5.3-1                   1.0.3-3
  evolution                        2.28.3-1                  2.28.2-3
  evolution-data-server                  2.28.2-1
  exim4                            4.71-4                    4.71-3
  fauhdlc                          20100325-1                20091119-1
  faumachine                       20100324-1                20091119-1
  file                             5.04-2                    5.04-1
  finance-yahooquote               0.24                      0.22
  forgetsql                        0.5.1-12                  0.5.1-11
  freeglut                         2.6.0-1                   2.4.0-9
  freewnn                          1.1.1~a021+cvs20100325-1  1.1.0+1.1.1-a021-1.3
  fusionforge                      5.0-1                     (not in testing)
  gadmin-dhcpd                     0.4.9-1                   0.4.8-1
  galternatives                    0.13.5                    0.13.4
  ganglia                          3.1.2-3.1                 3.1.2-2.1
  gavl                             1.1.2-2                   1.1.2-1
  gbrainy                          1.41-1                    1.40-1
  gcalctool                        5.30.0-1                  5.28.2-1
  geoclue                          0.12.0-1                  0.11.1+git20091217-3
  ghextris                         0.9.0-3                   0.9.0-2
  gifsicle                         1.59-1                    1.58-1
  ginac                            1.5.7-1                   1.5.6-1
  glabels                          2.2.7-2                   2.2.6-1
  glib2.0                          2.24.0-1                  2.22.4-1
  glibmm2.4                        2.24.0-1                  2.22.1-2
  gltron                           0.70final-9               0.70final-8
  gmpc                             0.20.0-1                  0.19.1-1
  gnome-doc-utils                  0.20.0-1                  0.18.1-1
  gnome-menus                      2.30.0-1        
  gnome-session                    2.28.0-7                  2.28.0-6
  gnome-settings-daemon            2.28.1-3                  2.28.1-2
  gnome-themes                     2.30.0-1                  2.28.1-1
  gnome-user-docs                  2.30.0-1                  2.28.2-1
  gnuplot                          4.4.0-1                   4.2.6-1
  gobject-introspection            0.6.9-1                   0.6.8-1
  gprbuild                         1.3.0-1                   1.2.0-3
  gprolog                          1.3.0-6.1                 1.3.0-6
  gpxviewer                        0.1.3-1                   0.1.2-1
  grafx2                           2.2-1                     2.1-1
  grub2-splashimages               1.0.1                     1.0.0
  gss                              1.0.0-1                   0.1.1-1
  gtk+2.0                          2.20.0-2                  2.18.9-2
  gtk-doc                          1.14-1                    1.13-2
  gtk-recordmydesktop              0.3.8-2                   0.3.8-1
  gtkmm2.4                         1:2.20.1-1                1:2.18.2-1
  gtksourceview2                   2.10.0-1                  2.8.2-1
  gucharmap                        1:2.30.0-1                1:2.28.2-1
  haproxy                          1.4.2-1                   1.3.22-1
  iceweasel-downthemall            1.1.9-1                   1.1.8-1
  ikiwiki                          3.20100403                3.20100312
  intltool                         0.41.1-1                  0.41.0-1
  iso-codes                        3.15-1                    3.14-1
  jamin                            0.97.14~cvs~81203-3       0.97.14~cvs~81203-2
  keyutils                         1.4-1                     1.3-1
  kshutdown                        2.0beta9-1                2.0~beta8-1
  ktorrent                         3.3.4+dfsg.1-1            3.3.3+dfsg.1-1
  last-align                       102-1                     99-1
  ldap-account-manager             3.0.0-1                   2.9.0-1
  libany-moose-perl                0.12-1                    0.11-1
  libapache2-mod-python            3.3.1-9                   3.3.1-8
  libasync-interrupt-perl          1.04-1                    1.02-1
  libbio-graphics-perl             2.02-1                    2.01-1
  libcatalyst-perl                 5.80022-1                 5.80021-1
  libchamplain                     0.4.5-1                   0.4.4-1
  libclass-mop-perl                1.00-1                    0.98-1
  libcommon-sense-perl             3.1-1                     3.00-1
  libcommons-discovery-java        0.4-4                     0.4-3
  libcompress-raw-zlib-perl        2.025-1                   2.024-1
  libconfig-gitlike-perl           1.04-1                    1.03-1
  libconfig-model-itself-perl      1.213-1                   1.212-1
  libconfig-model-perl             1.001-1                   0.644-1
  libconfig-model-tkui-perl        1.306-1                   1.304-1
  libcpan-distnameinfo-perl        0.10-1                    0.09-1
  libdata-faker-perl               0.07-3                    0.07-2
  libdata-miscellany-perl          1.100850-1                0.04-1
  libdbix-dbschema-perl            0.39-1                    0.36-1
  libdbm-deep-perl                 1.0016-1                  1.0014-1
  libdevel-stacktrace-ashtml-perl  0.09-1                    0.05-1
  libfcgi-perl                     0.71-1                    0.69-1
  libffado                         2.0.0+svn1806-2           2.0.0+svn1806-1
  libfilesys-notify-simple-perl    0.06-1                    0.05-1
  libfreemarker-java               2.3.16-2                  2.3.16-1
  libgee                           0.5.0-4                   0.5.0-3
  libgetopt-declare-perl           1.13-1                    1.12-1
  libgnomekbd                      2.30.0-1                  2.28.2-1
  libgravatar-url-perl             1.02-1                    1.01-1
  libhtml-template-pro-perl        0.94-1                    0.93-1
  libhttp-browserdetect-perl       1.08-1                    0.98-1
  libhttp-server-simple-perl       0.42-1                    0.41-1
  libimager-perl                   0.73-1                    0.72-1
  libjson-xs-perl                  2.290-1                   2.280-1
  liblocal-lib-perl                1.006000-1                1.005001-1
  libmldbm-perl                    2.04-1                    2.03-1
  libmodule-build-perl             0.360700-1                0.360300-1
  libmoose-perl                    1.01-1                    0.99-1
  libmoosex-storage-perl           0.26-1                    0.25-1
  libnet-amazon-s3-perl            0.53-1                    0.52-2
  libnet-cidr-lite-perl            0.21-1                    0.20-2
  libnet-dri-perl                  0.96-1                    0.95-1
  libnet-ldap-perl                 1:0.4001-1                1:0.39-1
  libnet-oauth-perl                0.25-1                    0.22-1
  libnet-whois-raw-perl            2.20-1                    2.17-1
  libnetpacket-perl                0.42.0-1                  0.41.1-1
  libnews-article-perl             1.27-7                    1.27-6
  libnews-scan-perl                0.53-3                    0.53-2
  liborlite-migrate-perl           1.07-1                    1.06-1
  libparsetree-ruby                3.0.5-1                   3.0.4-4
  libphp-serialization-perl        0.34-1                    0.33-1
  libpod-markdown-perl             1.100860-1                0.02-1
  libpod-pom-perl                  0.27-1                    0.24-1
  libpoe-test-loops-perl           1.035-1                   1.033-1
  libpoex-types-perl               1.100910-1                0.092670-1
  librpc-xml-perl                  0.73-1                    0.72-1
  libscope-guard-perl              0.12-1                    0.03-2
  libselinux                       2.0.94-1                  2.0.89-4
  libsemanage                      2.0.45-1                  2.0.42-1
  libsexp-processor-ruby           3.0.4-1                   3.0.3-6
  libsoap-lite-perl                0.711-1                   0.710.10-1
  libsoftware-license-perl         0.015-1                   0.012-1
  libspreadsheet-read-perl         0.39-1                    0.38-1
  libssh                           0.4.2-1                   0.4.1-1
  libsub-override-perl             0.08-4                    0.08-3
  libterm-prompt-perl              1.04-1                    1.03-3.1
  libtest-poe-server-tcp-perl      1.10-1                    1.08-1
  libtest-reporter-perl            1.57-1                    1.27-3.1
  libtest-www-selenium-perl        1.22-1                    1.21-1
  libtext-micromason-perl          2.09-1                    2.08-1
  libtext-quoted-perl              2.06-1                    2.05-2
  libtie-dbi-perl                  1.04-1                    1.02-1
  liburi-perl                      1.54-1                    1.53-1
  libv8                            2.1.10-1                  2.0.3-2
  libverilog-perl                  3.240-1                   3.231-1
  libvideo-info-perl               0.993-2                   0.993-1
  libvorbis                        1.3.1-1                   1.2.3-3
  libwww-cnic-perl                 0.31-1                    0.30-1
  libxklavier                      5.0-2                     4.0-2
  libxml-treebuilder-perl          3.09-2                    3.09-1
  libxprintutil                    1:1.0.1.xsf1-3            1:1.0.1.xsf1-2
  logilab-astng                    0.20.0-1                  0.19.3-1
  loop-aes                         3.3a-1                    3.2h-1
  loop-aes-utils                   2.16.2-1                  2.15.1~rc1-2
  lrzip                            0.45-1                    0.44-2
  maatkit                          6070-1                    5899-3
  macutils                         2.0b3-16                  2.0b3-15
  madfuload                        1.2-4                     (not in testing)
  maint-guide                      1.2.16                    1.2.15
  mapnik                           0.7.1-1                   0.7.0-2
  mathematica-fonts                12                        11
  mathgl                           1.9-3                     1.9-2
  mathomatic                       15.0.6-1                  15.0.5-1
  maven-ant-helper                 6.8                       6.7
  maven-common-artifact-filters    1.1-3                     1.1-2
  mednafen                         0.8.C-1                   0.8.9-1.1
  mesa                             7.7.1-1                   7.7-4
  meta-gnome2                      1:2.28+7                  1:2.28+6
  mingw32                          4.2.1.dfsg-1.1            4.2.1.dfsg-1
  moblin-panel-myzone              0.1.11-1                  0.0.13-1
  moodle                           1.8.2.dfsg-6.1            1.8.2.dfsg-6
  mscgen                           0.17-2                    0.17-1
  mtpaint                          3.31-2                    3.31-1
  muroar                           0.1.0-2                   0.1.0-1
  nagstamon                        0.9.2-2                   0.9.2-1
  netenv                           0.94.3-27                 0.94.3-26
  netkit-ftp                       0.17-21                   0.17-19
  ocaml-theora                     0.2.0~svn6618-1           0.1.2-1
  ocrodjvu                         0.4.4-1                   0.4.3-1
  ogre-contrib                     1.6.4-1.1                 1.6.4-1
  ohai                             0.5.0-2                   0.5.0-1
  onscripter                       0.0.20100320-1            0.0.20100131a-1
  open-iscsi                       2.0.871.3-1               2.0.871-1
  openmpi                          1.4.1-3                   1.4.1-2
  osmosis                          0.34+ds1-1                0.31.2-2
  otrs2                            2.4.7-3                   2.4.7-2
  pango1.0                         1.28.0-1                  1.26.2-2
  paste                            1.7.3+hg20100401-1        1.7.2-4
  pconsole                         1.0-8                     1.0-7.3
  pessulus                         2.30.0-1                  2.28.0-1
  phamm                            0.5.18-2                  0.5.15-1
  php-apc                          3.1.3p1-2                 (not in testing)
  php-auth-sasl                    1.0.4-1                   1.0.3-1
  php-net-ipv4                     1.3.1-2                   1.3.1-1
  php-net-ldap2                    2.0.9-1                   2.0.7-1
  php5                             5.3.2-1                   5.3.1-5
  plexus-cdc                       1.0~alpha14-5             1.0~alpha14-4
  plexus-maven-plugin              1.3.8-6                   1.3.8-5
  plptools                         1.0.9-2                   1.0.9-1
  pmtools                          1.10+ds1-2                1.00-8.1
  polipo                                  1.0.4-3
  proxytunnel                      1.9.0-3                   1.9.0-2
  psyco                            1.6-2                     1.6-1
  psyco-doc                        1.6-2                     1.6-1
  pydoctor                         0.3-1                     0.2-4.1
  pylint                           0.20.0-1                  0.19.0-1
  python-bottle                    0.8.0-1                   0.6.4-1
  qdox                             1.11-1                    1.9.2-1
  qpdf                             2.1.3-1                   2.1.2-1
  quodlibet-plugins                1:2.2.1-1                 1:2.2-2
  r-cran-amelia                    1.2-16-1                  1.2-2-1
  r-cran-coda                      0.13-5-1                  0.13-4-2
  radiance                         4R0+20100331-1            3R9+20100109-1
  rancid                           2.3.2-1.1                 2.3.2-1
  redis                            2:1.2.6-1                 2:1.2.5-1
  reglookup                        0.12.0-1                  0.11.0-2
  rssh                             2.3.2-11                  2.3.2-10
  sabayon                          2.30.0-1                  (not in testing)
  sabnzbdplus                      0.5.0-2                   0.5.0-1
  scons                            1.3.0-1                   1.2.0.d20100306-1
  scons-doc                        1.3.0-1                   1.2.0.d20100306-1
  sepolgen                         1.0.23-1                  1.0.18-1
  shorewall-doc                    4.4.8-1                   4.4.7-1
  shorewall-lite                   4.4.8-1         
  shorewall6-lite                  4.4.8-1         
  simplejson                       2.1.1-1                   2.1.0-1
  slang2                           2.2.2-4                   2.2.2-2
  smartmontools                    5.39.1+svn3077-1          5.39.1+svn3060-1
  sphinx                           0.6.5-1                   0.6.4-1
  sqlite3                                3.6.23-1
  sqlobject                        0.12.2-1                  0.11.0-1.1
  squid-langpack                   20100323-1                20100320-1
  srtp                             1.4.4~dfsg-6              1.4.4~dfsg-4
  sugar-0.84                       0.84.13-1                 0.84.9-1
  sugar-0.88                       0.88.0-1                  0.87.2-1
  sugar-browse-activity-0.84       108-9                     108-8
  sugar-browse-activity-0.86       115-1                     114-1
  sugar-chat-activity-0.84         65-4                      65-3
  sugar-chat-activity-0.86         66-3                      66-2
  sugar-datastore-0.84             0.84.1-1                  0.84.0-4
  sugar-datastore-0.86             0.86.2-1                  0.86.1-2
  sugar-presence-service-0.84      0.84.0-6                  0.84.0-5
  sugar-presence-service-0.86      0.86.0-3                  0.86.0-2
  sugar-presence-service-0.88      0.88.0-1                  0.87.1-1
  sugar-read-activity-0.84         69-4                      69-3
  sugar-read-activity-0.86         78-4                      78-3
  sundials                         2.3.0-2                   (not in testing)
  syncevolution                    1.0+ds1~beta2a-1          0.9.1+ds1-1
  syslinux                         2:3.86+dfsg-1             2:3.85+dfsg-2
  tcpspy                           1.7d-4                    1.7d-3.1
  tegaki-recognize                        0.3-1
  tegaki-tools                     0.3.1-1                   0.3-1
  tegaki-train                     0.3.1-1                   0.3-1
  textdraw                         0.2-2                     0.2-1
  tgif                             1:4.1.45-3                1:4.1.45-2
  tinymce                          3.3.2-1                   3.2.7-1
  tomcat6                          6.0.24-5                  6.0.24-4
  torrus                           1.0.8-2                   1.0.8-1
  tryton-client                    1.4.3-1                   1.4.2-1
  tryton-modules-stock-forecast    1.4.1-1                   1.4.0-2
  ttf-freefont                     20090104-6                20090104-5
  ttf-sawarabi-gothic              20100331-1                20100315-1
  untex                            1:1.2-2                   1:1.2-1
  usb-modeswitch-data              20100322-2                20100221-1
  vala                             0.8.0-1                   0.7.10-1
  varnish                          2.1.0-2                   2.0.6-2
  virt-manager                     0.8.4-2                   0.8.3-2
  virtinst                         0.500.3-1                 0.500.2-2
  virtualbox-guest-additions       3.1.6-1                   3.1.4-1
  vm                               8.1.0-1                   8.0.13-1
  vserver-debiantools              0.6.5                     0.6.4
  vym                              1.12.7-1                  1.12.6-1
  w3m-el-snapshot                  1.4.392+0.20100329-1      1.4.387+0.20100304-1
  webfs                            1.21+ds1-3                1.21+ds1-2
  webgui                           7.8.16-1                  7.8.15-1
  wmii2                            2.5.2-11                  2.5.2-10
  writer2latex                     1.0-11                    1.0-10
  xaos                             3.4-2                     3.4-1
  xemacs21                         21.4.22-3                 (not in testing)
  xemacs21-packages                2009.02.17.dfsg.1-1       (not in testing)
  xen-common                       3.4.2-4                   3.4.2-3
  xenomai                          2.5.2-1                   2.5.1-4
  xfce4-settings                   4.6.4-2                   4.6.4-1
  xfonts-jmk                       3.0-19                    3.0-18
  xmltv                            0.5.56+cvs20100328-1      0.5.56-1
  zeroinstall-injector             0.46-1                    0.45-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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