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Testing migration summary 2010-03-18 (Thursday)

On 2010-03-18 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                  version              previous
  adolc                           2.1.5-1              2.1.2-3
  aiccu                           20070115-12          20070115-11
  collectd                        4.9.1-2              4.8.2-1
  curl                            7.20.0-1             7.19.7-1
  dajaxice                        0.1.2-2              0.1.2-1
  debian-edu-artwork              0.0.30-4             0.0.30-2
  debsecan                        0.4.14               0.4.13
  dh-make                         0.52                 0.51
  feh                             1.4-1                1.3.5-2
  flickcurl                       1.17-1               1.16-1
  fortunes-debian-hints           1.94                 1.93
  gai                             0.5.10-2.2           0.5.10-2.1
  gbrainy                         1.40-1               1.30-1
  gcompris                        9.2-2-1              8.4.12-1
  gjay                            0.3.0-1              (not in testing)
  glrr-widgets                    20050529-3           20050529-2
  gourmet                         0.15.4-1             0.14.5-2
  gpsim                           0.24-3               0.22.0-5.2
  guvcview                        1.3.0-1              1.1.3-1
  highlighting-kate                 (not in testing)
  info2man                        1.1-5                1.1-4
  ipv6calc                        0.73.0-3             0.73.0-2
  josm                            0.0.svn2561-2        0.0.svn2255-1
  keepassx                        0.4.3-1              0.4.1-1
  kompozer                        1:0.8~b3-2           1:0.8~b1-2
  ktechlab                        0.3.7-9              0.3.7-3
  libcatalyst-modules-extra-perl  5                    4
  libcatalyst-perl                5.80021-1            5.80020-1
  libcolor-palette-perl           0.091400-1           (not in testing)
  libconfig-yaml-perl             1.42-2               1.42-1
  libfile-cache-perl              0.16-9               0.16-8
  libfile-countlines-perl         0.0.2-1              (not in testing)
  libgetargs-long-perl            1.1003-2             1.1003-1
  libgstreamer-interfaces-perl    0.05-1               0.04-1
  libgtk2-unique-perl             0.04-1               0.02-1
  libinline-perl                  0.46-1               0.45-1
  libio-interactive-perl          0.0.6-1              (not in testing)
  libjavascript-perl              1.16-1               1.15-1
  libjpeg8                        8a-1                 8-2.1
  libmouse-perl                   0.50-1               0.40-1
  libnet-ssleay-perl              1.36-1               1.35-2
  libpalm-perl                    1:1.012-1            1:1.011-1
  libphp-pclzip                   2.8.2-2              2.8.2-1
  libstring-format-perl           1.16-1               1.14-2
  libtest-checkchanges-perl       0.14-1               0.11-1
  libtext-mediawikiformat-perl    1.0-1                (not in testing)
  libuniversal-exports-perl       0.05-2               0.05-1
  mako                            0.3.1-1              0.2.5-2
  mediawiki                       1:1.15.2-1           1:1.15.1-1
  mencal                          2.3-9                2.3-8
  mnemosyne                       1.2.1-2.1            1.2.1-2
  module-init-tools               3.12~pre2-1          3.12~pre1-1
  moovida                         1.0.9+bzr1614-1      (not in testing)
  moovida-plugins-bad             1.0.9+bzr1614-1      (not in testing)
  moovida-plugins-good            1.0.9+bzr1614-1      (not in testing)
  moovida-plugins-ugly            1.0.9+bzr1614-1      (not in testing)
  namebench                       1.2+dfsg-1           1.1+dfsg-1
  openbios-ppc                    1.0+svn640-1         1.0+svn505-1
  openbios-sparc                  1.0+svn640-1         1.0-1
  palo                            1.17                 1.16+nmu1
  phyml                           2:20100123-1         1:200900706-2
  pygame                          1.8.1release-2       1.8.1release-1.1
  pykaraoke                       0.7.1-3              0.7.1-2
  pyscript                        0.6.1-3              0.6.1-2
  python-cdb                      0.34-0.1             (not in testing)
  qbzr                            0.18.3-1             0.18.2-1
  squirrelmail                    2:1.4.20-1           2:1.4.20~rc2-1
  tcsh                            6.17.00-3            6.14.00-7
  texlive-base                    2009-8               2009-7
  webalizer                       2.01.10-32.7         2.01.10-32.6
  wl-beta                         2.15.9+0.20100303-1  2.15.9+0.20100216-1
  xdg-utils                       1.0.2+cvs20100307-1  1.0.2+cvs20100223-1
  xfonts-marumoji                 0.2-9                0.2-8
  xpilot-ng                       1:4.7.3-1            1:4.7.3~cvs20080224-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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