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Testing migration summary 2009-10-10 (Saturday)

On 2009-10-10 (Saturday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package          version             previous
  ant-contrib             1.0~b3+svn177-1     (not in testing)
  apache2                 2.2.14-1            2.2.13-2
  apt-watch               0.3.2-14            0.3.2-13
  archfs                  0.5.4-1             (not in testing)
  camlzip                 1.04-6              1.04-5
  clamtk                  4.18-1              4.17-1
  d-shlibs                0.41                0.40
  dbus-glib               0.82-2              0.82-1
  djview4                 4.5-3               4.5-1
  drawxtl                 5.4+dfsg-2          (not in testing)
  dtc                     0.30.10-1           0.30.8-1
  flashrom                0.9.1+r736-1        0.9.1+r706-1
  gcc-4.3                 4.3.4-5             4.3.4-2
  gnat-4.4                4.4.1-6             4.4.1-5
  gnome-icon-theme        2.28.0-1            2.26.0-1
  gobby                   0.4.11-1            0.4.9-2
  gtkboard                0.11pre0-9          0.11pre0-8
  gtksourceview2          2.8.1-1             2.6.2-1
  gwyddion                2.17-1              2.16-1
  htmldoc                 1.8.27-4.1          1.8.27-4
  inotifyx                0.1.0-4             0.1.0-3
  ipv6calc                0.73.0-1            0.72.2-1
  jaxe                    3.2-1               (not in testing)
  kicad                   0.0.20090216-1      0.0.20080825c-1
  kshutdown               2.0~beta8-1         2.0~beta6-4
  lablgtk2                2.12.0-4            2.12.0-3
  latex-make              2.1.13-1            2.1.11-2
  libhaml-ruby            2.2.6-1             2.2.5-1
  libjgraphx-java           (not in testing)
  liblocale-gettext-perl  1.05-6              1.05-4
  libspectre              0.2.2.ds-3          0.2.2.ds-2
  libssh2                 1.2.1-1             1.2-1
  loggerhead              1.17-1              1.10-1
  mesa                    7.6-1               7.5.1-1
  monotone-viz            1.0.1-1.1           1.0.1-1
  nbibtex                 0.9.18-7            0.9.18-6
  nethogs                 0.7.0-3             0.7.0-2
  perl-doc-html           5.10.1-1            5.10.0-2
  pgdesigner              1.2.14-1            1.2.12-1
  pygtksourceview         2.8.0-1             2.6.0-1
  realtimebattle          1.0.8-10            1.0.8-9
  tzdata                  2009n-1             2009m-1
  weborf                  0.11-2              (not in testing)
  wims                    3.65+svn20090927-1  3.62-13.1
  window-picker-applet    0.5.8-1             0.4.23-1
  wireshark               1.2.2-1             1.2.1-2
  wormux                  1:0.8.5-1           1:0.8.3-1
  x11proto-xcmisc         1.2.0-1             1.1.2-5
  x11proto-xf86dri        2.1.0-1             2.0.4-1
  xfce4-power-manager     0.8.4-1   
  xmorph                  1:20090926          1:20090606

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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