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Testing migration summary 2009-10-07 (Wednesday)

On 2009-10-07 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version         previous
  audacity                   1.3.9-4         1.3.9-3
  design                     2.3-0-1         2.2-0-1
  djvulibre                  3.5.22-4        3.5.22-3
  ed2k-hash                  0.3.3+deb1-1    (not in testing)
  eggdbus                    0.5-2           (not in testing)
  eog                        2.28.0-1        2.26.2-1
  espeakup                   1:0.71-1        (not in testing)
  etckeeper                  0.41            0.40
  ffmpegthumbnailer          1.5.5-1         1.5.4-1
  findlib                    1.2.5+debian-1  1.2.4-2
  fontforge                  0.0.20090923-1  0.0.20090622-1
  gnome-devel-docs           2.28.0-1        2.26.2-1
  gobject-introspection      0.6.5-2         0.6.5-1
  goobox                     2.0.1-1         2.0.0-7
  jardiff                    0.2-2           0.2-1
  javassist                  1:3.11-1        1:3.10-1
  libcgi-pm-perl             3.48-1          3.45-1
  libclass-c3-xs-perl        0.13-1          0.11-1
  libcommons-jxpath-java     1.3-2           1.3-1
  libcommons-logging-java    1.1.1-5         1.1.1-4
  libcsfml                   1.5-1           1.4-2
  libio-socket-ssl-perl      1.31-1          1.30-1
  libjson-java               2.3-1           2.2.3-1
  libnagios-object-perl      0.21.8-1        0.21.7-1
  libnet-amazon-ec2-perl     0.10-1          0.09-1
  libnet-whois-raw-perl      2.04-1          2.02-1
  libnumber-format-perl      1.73-1          1.72a-1
  liborlite-perl             1.28-1          1.25-1
  libpgjava                  8.4-701-1       8.2-504-2
  libpostscript-file-perl    1.02-1          1.01-2
  librose-db-object-perl     1:0.783-1       1:0.782-1
  librose-db-perl            0.754-1         0.753-1
  libsfml                    1.5+repack1-2   1.4+repack1-1
  libtest-www-selenium-perl  1.19-1          1.17-1
  libvirt                    0.7.1-1         0.6.5-3
  libwww-perl                5.832-1         5.831-1
  makefs                     20090808-2      20090808-1
  mdm                        0.1.3-2         (not in testing)
  memtest86+                 4.00-2          2.11-3
  mumble-django              0.11-1          0.10-2
  ne                         2.0.3-1         1.42-1
  nethack                    3.4.3-12        3.4.3-10.6
  phpwiki                    1.3.14-5        1.3.14-4
  proofgeneral               3.7-3.1         3.7-3
  python-bsddb3              4.8.0-1         (not in testing)
  python-mpd                 0.2.1-3         0.2.1-1
  python-sfml                1.5-1           1.4-1
  python2.5                  2.5.4-2         2.5.4-1
  sane-backends              1.0.20-8        1.0.20-7
  scuttle                    0.7.4-2         0.7.4-1
  sqlline                    1.0.2-3         1.0.2-2
  ssh-askpass-fullscreen     0.3-3           0.3-2
  t-coffee                   8.13-1          5.72-1
  totem-pl-parser            2.28.1-1        2.26.2-2
  vbackup                    0.1.8-1         0.1.7-1
  vzctl                      3.0.23-8        3.0.23-7
  waf                        1.5.9+dfsg-2    1.5.9+dfsg-1
  wmanager                   0.2.1-7         0.2.1-6
  xmlunit                    1.3-1           1.2-2
  xrdp                       0.4.1~dfsg-2    0.4.0~dfsg-9
  zope.testing               3.8.3-1         3.8.1-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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