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Testing migration summary 2009-10-05 (Monday)

On 2009-10-05 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                 version              previous
  at-spi                         1.28.0-1             1.26.0-1
  bug-buddy                      2.28.0+dfsg-1        2.26.0+dfsg-1
  byobu                          2.34-1               2.24-1
  cableswig                      0.1.0+cvs20090916-1  0.1.0+cvs20090701-1
  calcurse                       2.7-1                2.6-1
  cln                            1.3.1-1              1.3.0-2
  coinor-cbc                     2.3.1-1              2.3.0-1
  coinor-cgl                     0.54.1-1             0.54.0-2
  coinor-dylp                    1.5.0-2              1.5.0-1
  coinor-osi                     0.100.1-1            0.100.0-1
  db-defaults                    4.8        
  dradio                         3.3-1                (not in testing)
  dropbear                       0.52-3               0.52-2
  duplicity                      0.6.05-2             0.6.04-1
  fbgrab                         1.0.0-5              1.0.0-4
  fcitx                          1:3.6.1-1            1:3.6.0~rc-0.1
  flute-1.3-jfree                20061107-6           20061107-5
  flutejava                      1.3-4                1.3-3
  fqterm                           0.9.3+svn666-1
  fslview                        3.1.2+4.1.4-2        3.0.2+4.1.0-3
  gaffitter                      0.6.0-1              0.5.2-1
  gdcm                           2.0.12-11            (not in testing)
  gmt                            4.5.1-1              4.4.0-1
  gnome-backgrounds              2.28.0-1             2.24.1-1
  gnome-orca                     2.28.0-1             2.26.3-1
  gnome-python                   2.28.0-1             2.26.1-1
  gnome-screensaver              2.28.0-1             2.26.1-2
  gource                         0.14-1               (not in testing)
  gsmartcontrol                  0.8.5-2              0.8.5-1
  gucharmap                      1:2.28.0-1           1:
  h5py                           1.2.1-2              1.2.0-1
  idzebra                        2.0.41-1             (not in testing)
  ifrit                          3.2.8-1              3.2.5-1
  ikiwiki                        3.14159265           3.1415926
  imagej                         1.43g-1              1.43e-1
  insighttoolkit                 3.16.0-1             3.12.0-1
  jasperreports                  3.6.0+dfsg-1         3.5.3+dfsg-1
  javacc                         5.0-1                4.0+cvs20080403-1
  json-static                    0.9.8-1              0.9.6-2
  keysafe                        0.4-2                0.4-1.1
  kwwidgets                      1.0.0~cvs20090825-2  (not in testing)
  libdbd-odbc-perl               1.23-1               1.22-1
  libept                         0.5.29               0.5.28
  libformula                     0.1.14-3             0.1.14-2
  libgeo-ipfree-perl             0.7-1                0.6-1
  libjavascript-beautifier-perl  0.16-1               0.14-1
  libjgoodies-looks-java         2.3.0-1              2.2.2-1
  libnet-sftp-foreign-perl       1.55+dfsg-1          1.53+dfsg-1
  libpalm-perl                   1:1.011-1            1:1.009-1
  libsql-abstract-perl           1.60-1               1.58-1
  libtext-trac-perl              0.15-1               0.12-1
  libtext-worddiff-perl          0.05-1               0.04-1
  logstalgia                     0.9.2-2              0.9.2-1
  lvm2                           2.02.53-1            2.02.52-1
  man-db                         2.5.6-3              2.5.6-2
  mayavi2                        3.3.0-1              3.1.0-1
  mksh                           39.1-3               38.3-1
  mousetweaks                    2.28.0-1             2.26.2-1
  mozilla-devscripts             0.16                 0.15
  multipath-tools                0.4.8-15.1           0.4.8-15
  mysql-connector-c++            1.1.0~r786-2         (not in testing)
  ntop                           3:3.3-12             3:3.3-11
  pdfcrack                       0.11-1               0.10-1
  pdnsd                          1.2.7-par-1.1        1.2.7-par-1
  plexus-io                      1.0~alpha5-1         1.0~alpha4-2
  pygobject                      2.20.0-1             2.18.0-1
  pyinotify                      0.8.7-1              0.8.6-2
  pyxdg                          0.17-0.1             0.15-1.1
  rdflib                         2.4.2-1              2.4.0-5
  rpy2                           2.0.7-1              2.0.6-2
  rt-tests                       0.51-1               0.50-1
  sparql-wrapper-python          1.3.2-1              1.2.0-1
  spawn-fcgi                     1.6.3-1              1.6.2-3
  specto                         0.2.2-3.1            0.2.2-3
  svn-buildpackage               0.6.29               0.6.27
  telepathy-spec                 0.18.0-1             0.17.27-1
  tepache                        1.1-7                1.1-6
  texinfo                        4.13a.dfsg.1-5       4.13a.dfsg.1-4
  therion                        5.2.8-1              0.5.1+nmu1
  tijmp                          0.8+dfsg-1           0.6-1
  update-manager                 0.200.0~rc4-1        0.200.0~rc2-2
  upnp-inspector                 0.2.2+dfsg-2         0.2.2+dfsg-1
  urlview                        0.9-18.1             0.9-18
  valgrind                       1:3.5.0-2            1:3.5.0-1
  vanessa-socket                 0.0.9-1              0.0.8-2
  voms                            1.9.11-3
  vtk                            5.2.1-11             5.0.4-1.1
  watchdog                       5.6-8                5.6-6
  xfonts-a12k12                  1-9                  1-8
  xfonts-marumoji                0.2-8                0.2-7
  xmakemol                       5.16-4               5.16-3
  xmlto                          0.0.23-2             0.0.22-1
  zenity                         2.28.0-1             2.26.0-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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