Testing migration summary 2009-09-27 (Sunday)
On 2009-09-27 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:
source package version previous
afterstep 2.2.9-4 2.2.9-3
agtl 0.3.0+git20090911-1 (not in testing)
am-utils 6.1.5-15 6.1.5-12
asm 1.5.3-6 1.5.3-5
asterisk 1: 1:
asterisk-chan-capi 1.1.2-2 1.1.2-1
bison 1:2.4.1.dfsg-3 1:2.4.1.dfsg-2
bleachbit 0.6.4-1 0.6.3-1
concurrent-dfsg 1.3.4-3 1.3.4-2
dh-di 3 2
discover-data 2.2008.06.25+nmu1 2.2008.06.25
elisa 0.3.5-3.1 0.3.5-3
ember 0.5.6-1 (not in testing)
fetchexc 2.0-2 2.0-1
fotoxx 8.4.1-1 (not in testing)
funguloids 1.06-8 1.06-7
gaphor 0.13.1-1 0.13.0-1
globus-gsi-proxy-ssl 1.5-5 1.5-4
gnumed-server 0v11.1-1 0v10.5-1
hostname 2.98 2.96
isdnutils 1:3.9.20060704-4 1:3.9.20060704-3.7
itrans 5.3-8 5.3-7
jrexx 1.1.1-5 1.1.1-4
libclass-dbi-mysql-perl 1.00-3 1.00-2
libcommons-fileupload-java 1.2.1-3 1.2.1-2
libcommons-launcher-java 1.1-5 1.1-3
libgnu-regexp-java 1.1.4-3.2 1.1.4-3.1
libjboss-marshalling-java 1.1.3.GA-2 (not in testing)
libjgroups-java 2.7.0.GA-1 2.6.7.GA-1
libpri 1.4.10-1 1.4.3-3
librmagick-ruby 2.11.1-1 2.10.0-1
libtm-perl 1.45-2 1.43-7
lm-sensors 1:2.10.8-2 1:2.10.8-1
mcelog 0.9~pre+1git543dbb-2 0.9~pre+1git543dbb-1
muscletools 2.1.0-6 2.1.0-5
ogdi-dfsg 3.2.0~beta2-5 3.2.0~beta2-4
ogre 1.6.1.dfsg1-2 1.4.9.dfsg1-1
ogre-contrib 1.6.1-1 1.4.9-1
ois 1.2.0-1 0.99+1.0rc1-2.1
openerp-server 5.0.5-1 5.0.2-0-2
phpunit 3.4.0+repack-1 3.3.17+repack-2
portsentry 1.2-11.3 1.2-11.2
procps 1:3.2.8-1.1 1:3.2.8-1
pyalsaaudio 0.5+svn36-1 0.2-1
python-daemon 1.4.8-1 1.4.7-1
r-base 2.9.2-3 2.9.2-1
reportbug 4.8 4.7
request-tracker3.8 3.8.5-1 3.8.4-1
resample 1.8.1-1 1.7-4
rootskel 1.81 1.73
sitesummary 0.0.50 0.0.49
sqlalchemy 0.5.6-1 0.5.5-1
tagsoup 1.2-2 1.2-1
trove 2.0.4-2 2.0.4-1
xmlm 1.0.1-4 1.0.1-2
xterm 248-1 247-1
zimpl 3.0.0+dfsg1-2 2.09.ds1-1
zope.authentication 3.7.0-2 (not in testing)
zope.component 3.7.1-3 (not in testing)
zope.copy 3.5.0-1 (not in testing)
zope.i18n 3.7.0-4 (not in testing)
zope.location 3.6.0-2 (not in testing)
zope.publisher 3.9.1-2 (not in testing)
zope.security 3.7.1-2 (not in testing)
zope.traversing 3.7.1-4 (not in testing)
This email is automatically generated once a day. As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.
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