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Testing migration summary 2009-05-20 (Wednesday)

On 2009-05-20 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version               previous
  acpi-support               0.122-2               0.121-1
  audiooss                   1.0.0-4               1.0.0-2.1
  bash-completion-lib        1.3.1-2               (not in testing)
  batman-adv-kernelland      0.1-8                 0.1-7
  battool                    1:0.1~beta+svn1236-1  1:0.1~beta+svn1193-1
  binutils-z80               2.19.1-1              2.18.0-1
  canorus                    0.7-1                 (not in testing)
  cups                       1.3.10-1              1.3.8-1lenny4.1
  dans-gdal-scripts          0.14-1                (not in testing)
  docbook-xsl-doc            1.75.0-1              1.74.3-3
  ethstats                   1.0-3                 1.0-2
  fabric                     0.1.1-1               0.1.0-1
  gawk-doc                   3.1.6-2               3.1.5-2
  gtk+extra2                 2.1.1-6               2.1.1-5
  gupnp-ui                   0.1.1-1               (not in testing)
  gwhere                     0.2.3.dfsg.1-3        0.2.3.dfsg.1-2
  haskell-devscripts         0.6.15+nmu10          0.6.15+nmu9
  hildon-theme-tools         0.5.2.debian.1-1      (not in testing)
  httpunit                   1.7+dfsg-1            (not in testing)
  hunspell-dict-ko           0.2.3-1               0.2.2-1
  intltool                   0.40.6-2              0.40.6-1
  ipe                        6.0pre32patch1-1      6.0pre32-2
  kernel-wedge               2.58                  2.57
  libauthen-cas-client-perl  0.04-1                0.03-1
  libdata-visitor-perl       0.24-2                0.24-1
  libdbix-password-perl      1.9-1                 1.8-10
  libexception-class-perl    1.29-1                1.26-2
  libg3d                     0.0.8-4               0.0.8-2
  libgksu                    2.0.10-1              2.0.9-1
  libgtfb                    0.1.0-1               (not in testing)
  libhtml-formfu-perl        0.04002-1             0.04001-1
  libloki                    0.1.7-1               (not in testing)
  libxdg-basedir             1.0.1-1               1.0.0-1
  libxdoclet-java            1.2.3-3               (not in testing)
  libxml-simple-perl         2.18-2                2.18-1
  live-initramfs             1.157.2-1             1.157.1-1
  logapp                     0.12-1                0.11-1
  mlt++                      0.3.8-1               0.3.2-1
  ncmpcpp                    0.3.3-1               (not in testing)
  openscap                   0.1.4-1               (not in testing)
  openturns                  0.13.0-2              (not in testing)
  openvas-libnasl            2.0.1-1               2.0.0-2
  openvas-libraries          2.0.2-1               2.0.0-2
  pasmo                      0.5.3-3               0.5.3-2
  pcaputils                  0.8-1                 0.7-1
  pegsolitaire               0.0.4-1               (not in testing)
  phpunit                    3.3.16-1              3.3.15-1
  pidgin-libnotify           0.14-3                0.14-2
  psmisc                     22.7-1                22.6-1
  pygpiv                     1.0.0-1               (not in testing)
  python-cherrypy            2.3.0-2               2.3.0-1
  python-pypcap              1.1.2+debian-2        1.1.2+debian-1
  qorganizer                 3.1.4-2               3.1.4-1
  qtscriptgenerator          0.1.0-3               (not in testing)
  reinteract                 0.5.0-3               0.5.0-1
  sqldeveloper-package       0.2.3                 (not in testing)
  sqlfairy                   0.09004-2             0.09004-1
  sugar-base-0.84            0.84.0-1              (not in testing)
  sugar-toolkit-0.84         0.84.4-1              (not in testing)
  swi-prolog                 5.6.64-2              5.6.64-1
  ttf-umefont                403-1                 402-1
  tuxmath                    1.7.2-1               1.6.3-3
  unbound                    1.2.1-2               1.2.1-1
  vzdump                     1.0-3                 (not in testing)
  wmbattery                  2.40                  2.39
  wwwstat                    2.0-5                 2.0-4
  xppaut                     5.98-1                5.85-5
  xtables-addons             1.15-3                1.14-2
  zeroinstall-injector       0.40-2                0.39-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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