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Testing migration summary 2009-05-04 (Monday)

On 2009-05-04 (Monday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                 version             previous
  beaker                         1.3-1               1.2.2-1
  dictionaries-common            1.2.1               1.2.0
  dmraid                         1.0.0.rc15-7        1.0.0.rc15-6
  emcast                         0.3.2-7             0.3.2-6
  fcitx                          1:3.6.0~rc-0.1      1:3.4.3-1.1
  fte                            0.50.0-2            0.50.0-1.4
  gcc-defaults                   1.81                1.80
  gnome-orca                     2.26.1-1            2.24.4-1
  kernel-wedge                   2.57                2.53
  kerneloops                     0.12+git20090217-1  0.10-2
  koffice                        1:1.6.3-8           1:1.6.3-7
  libapache2-authcassimple-perl  0.09-1              0.07-1
  libmp3-tag-perl                1.00-1              0.9714-1
  libpod-webserver-perl          3.05-1              3.04-1.3
  libset-scalar-perl             1.23-1              1.22-1
  msrp                           0.9.4-1             0.9.3-1
  python-axiom                   0.5.31-1            0.5.30-1
  python-minimock                1.2.3-1             1.2.2-1
  ropemacs                       0.6c2-4             0.6c2-3
  serverstats                    0.8.2-4             0.8.2-3
  simple-cdd                     0.3.10              0.3.9
  symlinks                       1.2-5               1.2-4.2
  uni2ascii                      4.13-1              4.12-1
  v86d                           0.1.9-1   
  webissues-server               0.8.4-2             0.8.4-1
  znc                            0.068-3             0.068-2

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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