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Testing migration summary 2009-04-28 (Tuesday)

On 2009-04-28 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version              previous
  bastille                   1:3.0.9-10           1:3.0.9-9
  btrfs-tools                0.18-3               0.18-2
  buthead                    1.0-12               1.0-11
  canto                      0.6.10-1             0.6.8-1
  citadel                    7.50-1               7.43-1
  coccinelle                 0.1.7.deb-2          0.1.6.deb+a-1
  dvdisaster                 0.72~rc1-1           0.71.28-1
  fdm                        1.6-1                1.5-3
  gedit-latex-plugin         0.2rc1-2             (not in testing)
  gnome-nds-thumbnailer      1.2.1-1              1.2.0-3
  gphoto2                    2.4.5-2              2.4.0-1
  gsasl                      1.1-1                0.2.26-2
  htop                       0.8.1+svn149-2       0.8.1+svn149-1
  icedove-nostalgy           0.2.16+svn151-1      0.2.15+svn131-2
  jabber-muc                 0.8-2                0.6.0-2.1
  libastro-fits-header-perl  3.01-1               3.0-1
  libmodule-pluggable-perl   3.9-1                3.8-1
  libwebservice-solr-perl    0.05-1               0.04-1
  monotone                   0.43-3               0.40-7
  multipath-tools            0.4.8-15             0.4.8-14
  nfswatch                   4.99.10-1            4.99.9-2
  nss                        3.12.3-1             3.12.2.with.ckbi.1.73-2
  openexr                    1.6.1-4              1.6.1-3
  oss-preserve               1.1-6                1.1-5
  rawstudio                  1.2-1                1.1.1-1
  relatorio                  0.5.1-1              0.5.0-2
  renameutils                0.10.0-2             0.10.0-1
  screen                     4.0.3-13             4.0.3-12
  sendemail                  1.55-3               1.55-2
  shorewall-common           4.2.8-1              4.2.7-1
  shorewall-perl             4.2.8-2              4.2.7-1
  shorewall-shell            4.2.8-1              4.2.7-1
  shorewall6                 4.2.8-1              4.2.7-1
  syslinux                   2:3.75+dfsg-1        2:3.73+dfsg-2
  tcl8.5                     8.5.7-1              8.5.6-3
  tk8.5                      8.5.7-1              8.5.6-3
  vmware-view-open-client    3.1.0-160969+dfsg-1  2.1.1-153227+dfsg-2
  webcit                     7.50-dfsg-1          7.43-dfsg-1
  xchm                       2:1.15-1             2:1.14-5

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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