Testing migration summary 2008-09-21 (Sunday)
On 2008-09-21 (Sunday), the following source package(s) entered testing:
source package version previous
auctex 11.83-7.2 11.83-7.1
axyl 2.8.0 2.7.1
cdrw-taper 0.4-2.1 0.4-2
citadel 7.37-4 7.37-3
clutter 0.8.0-1.1 0.8.0-1
control-center 1: 1:
gallery2 2.2.6-1 2.2.5-2
gnupod-tools 0.99.7-1 0.99.6-3
gpe-mixer 0.42-2 0.42-1
javascript-common 5 4
libselinux 2.0.65-5 2.0.65-4
linux-2.6 2.6.26-5 2.6.26-4
mon 0.99.2-13 0.99.2-12
phpicalendar 2.24-2 2.24-1
poppler 0.8.7-1 0.8.6-1
prokyon3 0.9.6-0.1 (not in testing)
slashem 0.0.7E7F3-1.3 0.0.7E7F3-1.2
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