Testing migration summary 2008-09-09 (Tuesday)
On 2008-09-09 (Tuesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:
source package version previous
apbs 1.0.0-2 1.0.0-1
aswiki 1.0.4-7 1.0.4-5
citadel 7.37-3 7.37-2
epiphany-browser 2.22.3-3 2.22.3-1
freemat 3.6+dfsg-3 3.6+dfsg-2
gnome-applets 2.22.3-3 2.22.3-2
gnome-games 1:2.22.3-2 1:2.22.3-1
ipsec-tools 1:0.7.1-1.1 1:0.7-2.1
javascript-common 4 3
keytouch 2.3.2-2.1 2.3.2-2
liblinux-lvm-perl 0.14-1 0.13-2
libnet-tclink-perl 3.4.0-5 3.4.0-4
lustre 1.6.5-1
mafft 6.240-2 6.240-1
mailreader 2.3.36-3.1 2.3.36-3
opencryptoki 2.2.6+dfsg-4 2.2.6+dfsg-1
phpbb3 3.0.2-3 3.0.2-1
proj 4.6.0-2 4.6.0-1
quesoglc 0.7.1-3 0.7.1-2
sane-backends 1.0.19-19 1.0.19-17
smokeping 2.3.6-3 2.3.6-2
xmlroff 0.6.0-1.1 0.6.0-1
xmoto 0.4.2-2 0.4.2-1
xosd 2.2.14-1.6 2.2.14-1.5
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