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Re: [mdc-vmrc] 1st IRC meeting - minutes - Next meeting: Wed Sept. 4. 20h CEST.

Le jeudi, 15 août 2019, 19.43:52 h CEST Didier 'OdyX' Raboud a écrit :
> Dear debian.ch members and people interested in helping the miniDebConf
> Vaumarcus,
> The poll has spoken; let's meet
> 	on Tuesday August 20., 20hCEST, on #debian.ch

Here come the minutes, from the IRC log:


For the mailing list readers, some important things:

* It's happening! :-)
* We need more help, specifically for Sponsors' contact, organizing a Bar, 
  attendee information, etc.
* The next IRC meeting is going to happen on
	Wednesday 4. September, 20h CEST, on #debian.ch
* The various team pages are a good resource:

Let's get this ball rolling!


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