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AGM 2017 invitation - Sat 2017-02-11 18:00, Bern

[ This mail is BCCed to all current members. ]

Dear all,

This is your invitation to the General Meeting of the `debian.ch'
association which will be held in Bern at the "Siedlung Burgunder":

Location: Gemeinschaftsraum Siedlung Burgunder, Burgunderstrasse 95,
          3018 Bern, http://osm.org/go/0CZwCXs0G?m= [1]

Time:     Saturday 2017-02-11 18:00 CET

The debian.ch GM will be followed by the traditional fondue! Please
register your planned attendance for the GM and the fondue in the
following poll:


The prospective agenda for the GM is as follows; please send any 
modification proposals to board@debian.ch.

debian.ch Annual General Meeting

* Greetings
* Ratification of the minutes of the AGM 2015 (attached to this mail)
* Reports from the board
* Discharge of the board
* Approval of new members
  (no new members applied since the last AGM so far) 
* Board election
* Bylaw changes (requested by the board):
    * Purpose (2.2), limited to .ch and .li should be changed to: "The
      Association holds assets on behalf of the Debian Project."
    * Drop article 4 about sponsors and patrons.
    * Adapt membership rules in a way to automatically terminate
      membership of inactive members.
* Varia

See you there!

On behalf of the board,

Gaudenz Steinlin
    secretary of debian.ch

[1] From Bern main station either take the trains S1 (Fribourg) or S2
(Laupen) to Bern Bümpliz Süd and walk approx. 2 minutes from there. Or
the Tram 7 or 8 to Bümpliz Unterführung and walk approx. 7 minutes from

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Presence: Didier Raboud, Philipp Hug, Gaudenz Steinlin (minutes), Daniel Pocock,
          Steve-David Marguet 

Date: February 13, 2016, 18:26 - 19:30

* Greetings
  Voting Members: 5

* Ratification of the minutes of the AGM 2014 (attached to this mail)
  - Date fixed as pointed out by Luca Capello
  Agreed: 4
  Abstain: 1

* Reports from the Board

** President (Didier Raboud)
  - about 100 CHF in merchandise sales
  - some more merchandise was sold at DebConf15
  - Daniel sold some merchandise in Italy at the DUCC-IT

** Treasurer (Philipp Hug)
  - The financial statement is presented by Philipp and will be attached to these minutes.
  - There are pending EUR cash transactions from Philipp and Daniel that will be converted to
    Swiss francs and put on the debian.ch Postfinance account. They will be in the 2016 accounts.
  - We consider that the missing cash from the FOSDEM 2013 sales went to another trusted
    organization and remove it from our accounting as debitor loss.
  Agreed:  4
  Abstain: 1

* Discharge of the Board
  Agreed:  5
* Comitee elections
  Candidates: Didier Raboud, Philipp Hug, Gaudenz Steinlin
  Agreed:  5
* Varia
  - Informal discussion about bylaw changes (to be voted at the next AGM):
    - Purpose (2.2), limited to .ch and .li should be changed to:
      "The Association holds assets on behalf of the Debian Project."
      The present members are in favour of this change.
    - Drop article 4 about sponsors and patrons because this does not belong to
      the bylaws. The board may just decide about this. 
      The present members are in favour of this change.
    - We currently don't check if the current members are still interested in the
      association. We will start a discussion on the list if this is actually a
      problem and we currently see 2 ways to solve this, either a small (~5 CHF)
      membership fee or an annual ping.
    - 5.3 change to "A member can leave the Association at his own request at any time."

  - The invitation for the AGM should be sent at least 1 month in advance. We will try
    to improve this next year.

  - AGM 2017
    Date: 2017-02-11 (Saturday) in Bern
Version: GnuPG v2


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