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Re: [Debconf13-ch] dc13 venue announcement? (was: [Publicity-commits] r3231 - /dpn/en/current/index.wml)

also sprach Francesca Ciceri <madamezou@debian.org> [2012.02.27.2207 +0100]:
> "19:11:16 <gismo_ch> Switzerland is known for the natural
> environment and this was our main goal: a DebConf "inside" the
> nature"

This sounds like we'll be dancing naked around bond fires. ;)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org>
: :'  :  ex-DebConf orga team; ex-press officer
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf12: Managua, Nicaragua: http://debconf11.debconf.org
"here i was all convinced that if i sleep all day, bug counts go
 down, and if I work all day, they go up, so much for that theory."
                                                   -- lars wirzenius

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