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Re: [Debconf13-ch] [Debconf-team] Question for DebConf13 bids: Costs

On Thu, 2 Feb 2012 16:58:21 +0100, Holger Levsen <holger@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for your answers!
> On Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:
> > We hope in more sponsors, and possibly we could ask to debian.ch donors
> > to give something for DebConf.
> How much money do you expect to be able to raise via debiah.ch donors? 
> Thousands? Tens of thousands?

I'd say tens of thousands from swiss donors should be possible.
This would need a coordinated effort for Debconf. It's not just what we
get every year without doing something, but raising money in the range
of 500.- € per donations on special occasions where we needed money
(BSPs) was possible without much effort. So I guess with more effort
tens of thousands for Debconf should be possible. 

Options to consider:

- The economic crisis has not yet hit Switzerland as hard as other
  European countries. I don't think that it has a big impact on the
  sponsoring behavior yet.
- There are many charitable trusts in Switzerland we could approach for
  sponsorship. For another much smaller conference I once got about 20'000.-
  from such a trust. But I might have been very lucky.
- We are well aware that fundrising in Switzerland would be one of our
  top priorites during 2012 if we are going to organize Debconf in


Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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