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Call for agenda items and date for AGM 2012


It's the time of the year again when we should hold the general assambly
of debian.ch. To find a suitable date I've setup a Doodle poll. Please
fill this poll until 15th January if you would like to attend the
general assambly.


Also if you wold like to discuss something at the AGM please reply to
this mail with a proposal for an agenda item. I'll send out the final
agenda with the official invitation. 

Unless someone wants to organize the AGM somewhere else the meeting will
be held in Bern. The place will be close to the main station and time
will be 19:15 so that people can take the trains arriving around 19:00.

Happy new Year!

Secretary of debian.ch ad interim

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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