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Bug#935939: Does not respect local admin changes and recreates files in /etc/sv

Control: reassign -1 dh-runit
Control: affects -1 openssh-server

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 09:42:31AM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Since I have no use for runit, I removed the /etc/sv directory.
> Unfortunately, if the openssh-server package is upgraded (or
> reinstalled), the local admin choice is not respected and the files in
> /etc/sv are recreated.
> I have no idea if this is a bug in openssh-server or runit, please
> reassign as necessary. Filed against openssh-server, since it is the
> package exposing this behaviour.

There's no maintainer script code (generated or otherwise) pertaining to
/etc/sv; most of the files in there are just dpkg-handled conffiles.
And it's not quite true that the files are recreated - the conffiles

The exceptions are /etc/sv/ssh/supervise and /etc/sv/ssh/log/supervise,
which are symlinks to /var/lib/runit/supervise/ssh and
/var/lib/runit/log/supervise/ssh respectively, and those do get
reinstalled.  Symlinks can't really be conffiles, but perhaps this could
be done using generated maintainer script code or in runit-helper?
Reassigning to dh-runit, anyway, since there isn't much I can do about
this in openssh-server at present.

Empty directories also come back no matter what you do, so even after
fixing this, /etc/sv/ssh/.meta and /etc/sv/ssh/log would still come
back.  But that's something you'd need to bring up with the dpkg
maintainers; I don't know whether they'd consider it a bug.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson@debian.org]

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