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Re: squeeze update of openssh?

On 2016-01-23 06:50:51, Guido Günther wrote:
> I had a look at RedHat's analysis[1] and at Squeeze, Wheezy and Jessie:
>     * Squeeze and Wheezy don't run "xhost +si:localuser:`id -un`" from
>       xinit but we do so from Jessie on
>     * we have the security extension enabled
> however Debian uses ForwardX11Trused=yes so I wonder if we can safely
> flag this as no-dsa needed for at least Wheezy and Squeeze since it does
> not seem to affect the default configuration in any way?

So I have looked further into this. Besides the puzzle of setting up a
X11-enabled squeeze VM (fun times), I was able to reproduce the issue
well described in:


Indeed, by default, Debian is completely vulnerable *regardless* of the
xhost configuration or timeout problems in ssh. This got me really
confused because I couldn't see the "problem", because it's the default
behavior in Debian, deliberately.

To reproduce, the best is to use xdotool. We will use it to make the
remote server (supposedly hostile) type in a local window, but it could
also choose which window it would type in, sniff X11 traffic and more
pretty bad stuff:

$ ssh -X marcos xdotool type "this should not be working"
thisshouldnotbeworking$ thisshouldnotbeworking

So by default, in Debian, we set -X to behave like -Y. this works even
if xhost access is disabled, so it's not specific to jessie and up.

I tested it on Debian jessie (both client and server), but it should
also fail for all Debian packages up to 3.8p1-2, shipped around the time
sarge was released (!!). This was related to bug:


The reasoning for the setting is explained in the `README.Debian` file
and is justified by saying "this has some problems in implementation -
notably a very short timeout of the untrusted cookie - breaks large
numbers of existing setups, and generally seems immature. The Debian
package therefore sets the default for this option to "yes" (in ssh
itself, rather than in ssh_config)."

So to fix this, we'd have to remove that from patch
003a875a474100d250b6643270ef3874da6591d8 that lives in


It is somewhat a concern, in my opinion, that this is hardcoded in the
source: why not just ship different config file defaults?

Anyways, the immediate fix for this is at least to use
ForwardX11Trusted=no everywhere. It remains to be tested if the xhost
line needs to be removed to work around the timeout issues, but if so,
this requires changes in wheezy and up.

But all this work is useless if, by default, we bypass all those checks

So this definitely need coordination with the openssh maintainers at
this point, to at least confirm or infirm the "usability over security"
decision that happened all that while ago.

I personnally think the decision should be reverted, that
ForwardX11Trusted should be set to the upstream "no" default. There's an
entry in the OpenSSH FAQ exactly for that, and -Y to work around bad
setups. It seems unreasonable to expose users to such a security issue
just for the convenience of some setups that could easily be fixed.


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