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Re: creating symlink in /etc/ssh/ allowed for a package?

On 02/15/2013 06:46 AM, Timo Weingärtner wrote:
Dear OpenSSH maintainers,

I am packaging openssh-known-hosts for Debian with Philipp Kern (Cc:'ed) as
my mentor. It is designed for institutions with many hosts and central host
key management.

It can download known_hosts files, verify their integrity, filter hostnames
and merge everything into one file. That file is

To lower configuration work for the admin my package's postinst script[1]
creates a symlink /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts to it if there is nothing in that
place already, else it emits a warning.

Do you think it is OK to put that symlink into /etc/ssh/? What do you
recommend for the case that /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts is already there?

I would personally prefer the extra work.

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