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Bug#556142: Move openssh-client recommendation of xauth to an X related package

Hmm. Well: Ubuntu has a lot of case where you run a binary or command, and instead get back an error message that says you need to install the package... a nice clear error message. Never mind that this can blow up scripts that test if a binary is present... ignore that.

The same base idea could work for ssh and X forwarding... you'd hack the code up so that it drops a very clear error message: "to enable X forwarding install package zzzzz". It would be a two step process in the relatively rare case where a person installs ssh, but no other dependency that brought in X (e.g. no imagemagick, no X utilities, no window manager, etc).

Or: make the dependency on a very base X library, so if you get X, you get what you need for X forwarding. Your response does not address why this would not solve the problem. No X, no need for X forwarding... or am I missing something here?

I don't care if ssh itself has forwarding compiled in... that's trivial in size. It is the fact that an actual copy of X comes along with what is otherwise a core utility useful on everything from a smartphone (think Andrioid), to an embedded device, all the way up to a graphical server! In server security land the less stuff that's installed, the less stuff one has to worry about a security hole in. X is undesirable on the server, in part because it is big and complicated... and unnecessary.

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