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Bug#375685: openssh-server: Avahi support for sshd

retitle 375685 ssh service publication on-the-fly
reassign 375685 avahi-daemon
stop it.

Il giorno mar, 27/06/2006 alle 17.27 +0100, Colin Watson ha scritto:
> Is there an existing patch? If not (or even if so), you'd be better off
> taking this upstream - let me know the upstream bug number and I can
> track it.

Actually this can be done with a trivial fix (stupid me), by
copying /usr/share/doc/avahi-daemon/examples/ssh.service
in /etc/avahi/services/, therefore even if a similar bug is still
present (even if it's integrated, it's not enabled at boot), it's not
openssh-releated, as long as upstream doesn't want to implement it, and
I guess it's such case, but it may just be my prejudice :)

I'm reassigning it, as it may be implemented in avahi-daemon through


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