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Bug#314645: second installment

Announcing the second installment of "SSH Username / Password Mapping
Used By Scanners".

This list includes the previous list (which ends at "resin").

For my own reference, the script I am using to generate it:

grep -i 'ailed pass' auth.log |tail +4 |awk '{ if ($9 ~ /invalid/) { print $11 } else { print $9 } }' |paste - /tmp/ssh-log

Where tail +4 gets rid of stuff in auth.log but not in ssh-log, and
ssh-log must not contain blank lines (which for some reason appear
every time I log in with RSA).

root	administrator
root	root
root	rootroot
root	root1
root	123456
root	1234567890
root	qwerty
root	administrator1
root	admin
root	backup
root	admin1
root	secure
root	secret
root	passwd
root	password
root	password123
admin	admin
administrator	administrator
root	root
admin	admin
test	test
postgres	postgres
info	info123
alex	alex
alex	alex123
samba	samba
guest	guest
webmaster	webmaster
mysql	mysql
oracle	oracle
library	library
info	info
shell	shell
linux	linux
unix	unix
webadmin	webadmin
ftp	ftp
test	test123
root	root123
admin	admin123
guest	guest123
master	master
apache	apache
root	webadmin
root	admin
root	shell
root	linux
root	test
root	webmaster
root	mysql
admin	root
admin	administrator
admin	12345
admin	123456
root	123456
root	12345678
test	test12345
test	123456
webmaster	123456
user	user
username	username
username	password
user	password
root	password
admin	password
test	password
root	master
root	apache
root	unix
root	redhat
danny	danny
sharon	sharon
aron	aron
alex	alex
brett	brett
mike	mike
alan	alan
data	data
www-data	www-data
http	http
httpd	httpd
nobody	nobody
root	login
backup	backup
info	123456
shop	shop
sales	sales
web	web
www	www
wwwrun	wwwrun
adam	adam
stephen	stephen
richard	richard
george	george
michael	michael
john	john
david	david
paul	paul
news	news
angel	angel
games	games
pgsql	pgsql
pgsql	pgsql123
mail	mail
adm	adm
ident	ident
resin	resin
root	root
jack	jack
marvin	marvin
andres	andres
barbara	barbara
adine	adine
root	root
jack	jack
su	su
zeppelin	zeppelin
danny	danny
sharon	sharon
aron	aron
alex	alex
brett	brett
mike	mike
alan	alan
data	data
www-data	www-data
http	http
httpd	httpd
nobody	nobody
root	login
backup	backup
root	root
root	rootroot
root	rootrootroot
root	123root
root	123root123
root	password
root	passwd
root	pass
root	toor
root	newpass
root	server
root	123
root	1234
root	12345
root	123456
root	1234567
root	12345678
root	123456789
root	root123
root	000000
root	1234qwer
root	q1w2e3r4
root	qwertyuiop
root	123abc
root	1a2b3c
root	1p2o3i
root	1q2w3e
root	1qw23e
root	!@#$%
root	!@#$%^
root	!@#$%^&
root	!@#$%^&*
root	@#$%^&
root	abc123
root	asdfghjk
root	asdfghjkl
root	webmaster
root	webster
root	master
root	valhalla
root	q1w2e3
root	qwaszx
root	qwert
root	qwerty
root	qwerty12
root	qwerty123
root	library
root	hacker
root	administrator
root	admin
root	r00t
root	zxcvbn
root	zxcvbnm
root	linux
root	debian
root	redhat
root	mandrake
root	darwin
root	slackware
root	apache
root	unix
root	myserver
root	shell
root	mysql
test	test
test	test1
test	test2
test	testtest
test	testtesttest
test	123
test	123test
test	test123test
test	123test123
test	1234
test	12345
test	123456
test	1234567
test	12345678
test	test123
test	test12345
test	123456789
test	testing
test	tester
test	password
test	q1w2e3
test	abc123
test	asdfghjkl
test	qwertyuiop
test	zxvbnm
admin	root
admin	admin
admin	123
admin	1234
admin	12345
admin	123456
admin	1234567
admin	12345678
admin	123456789
admin	adminadmin
admin	123admin
admin	adminadminadmin
admin	123admin123
admin	administrator
admin	admin123
admin	admin12345
admin	adminroot
admin	admin1
admin	admin2
admin	admin01
admin	admin02
admin	password
admin	adm1n
admin	q1w2e3
admin	abc123
admin	qwertyuiop
admin	asdfghjkl
admin	zxcvbnm
guest	guest
guest	guest1
guest	guest2
guest	guess
guest	guestguest
guest	123guest
guest	123
guest	1234
guest	123456
guest	12345
guest	1234567
guest	12345678
guest	123456789
guest	guest12345
guest	guest123
guest	123guest123
guest	gu3st
guest	pass
guest	passwd
guest	password
guest	qwertyuiop
guest	asdfghjkl
guest	zxcvbnm
guest	abc123
user	user
user	user1
user	user2
user	useruser
user	123456
user	123
user	1234
user	12345
user	1234567
user	12345678
user	123456789
user	us3r
user	123user
user	user123
user	user12345
user	123user123
user	password
user	passwd
user	pass
user	qwertyuiop
user	asdfghjkl
user	zxcvbnm
sales	sales
sales	sales1
tomcat	tomcat
tomcat	tomcat1
webadmin	webadmin
webadmin	webadmin1
spam	spam1
spam	spam
spam	123
spam	1234
virus	virus
virus	virus1
cyrus	cyrus
oracle	oracle
oracle	oracle1
oracle	123456
oracle	123oracle
oracle	oracle123
operator	operator
operator	operator1
ftp	ftp
ftp	ftp1
ftp	123
ftp	1234
ftp	12345
ftp	123456
ftp	123456789
ftp	ftpftp
ftp	pass
ftp	password
ftp	passwd
ftp	qwertyuiop
ftp	asdfghjkl
ftp	zxcvbnm
webmaster	123webmaster
webmaster	webmaster
webmaster	123456
webmaster	webmaster1
postmaster	postmaster
postmaster	postmaster1
postmaster	123456
postmaster	123
postmaster	1234
postfix	postfix
postfix	postfix1
postfix	postfix123
postfix	123
postfix	1234
postgres	postgres
postgres	123456
postgres	postgres1
postgres	123
postgres	postgres123
postgres	1234
postgres	12345
postgres	1234567
postgres	12345678
postgres	123456789
postgres	qwertyuiop
postgres	asdfghjkl
postgres	zxcvbnm
postgres	postgres12345
linux	linux
linux	linux1
web	web
webmail	webmail1234
webmail	webmail
webmail	webmail1
apache	apache
apache	apache1
pgsql	pgsql
pqsql	pgsql1
pgsql	pgsql123
mysql	mysql
mysql	123456
mysql	mysql123
mysql	mysql1
info	info
info	info1
info	123
info	1234
info	12345
info	123456
info	123456789
info	info123
info	info12345
info	qwertyuiop
library	library
library	123456
library	library1
backup	backup
backup	backup1
backup	123456
nobody	nobody
nobody	nobody1
nobody	123
nobody	123456
clamav	clamav
gnats	gnats
mailman	mailman
mailman	mailman1
mailman	123
mailman	1234
notes	notes
samba	samba
dan	dan
dan	dan1
office	office
office	office1
director	director
director	director1

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