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Bug#244924: ssh: scp only prints file modes and exits with status


> > I'm having exactly the same problem on my debian unstable.
> > As this bug report is from april --- is there some solution?
> scp invokes scp on the remote machine. Is the remote scp normal and
> working? What version is it?

I just tested it locally on my computer.
When I tried to use sftp, I got the following error:
"Received message too long ####".

Searching for this error I found the site
which states that there might be some additional output from a shell startup 
file. In my case this was

echo -en "\33[11;0]"

which does not produce any visible output, but suppresses bell rings.
Changing this to

if tty -s; then
  echo -en "\33[11;0]"

solved my problem with sftp. And the best: scp works now too!

> The original reporter mentioned a backports.org version on the remote
> machine; I've never tried backports.org openssh and am not sure I can
> support it.

Perhaps there might be something similar to my problem as the error messages 
are exactly the same... one could try sftp too.

A lot of thanks for your fast answers!
  Armin Straub

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