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[TREASURER #6093] Ruby Sprint - Paris 6-10 February 2023

On Thu Feb 23 04:37:30 2023, boutil@debian.org wrote:
> We collected the data corresponding the expenses.
> Values in EUR.
> | Attendee        |   Plane tickets   |   Accomodation   |   Total   |
> | abhijith        |   1000            |   ----           |   1000    |
> | dleidert        |   492,60          |   1053,70        |  1543,60  |
> | kanashiro       |   0               | 0 (utkarsh paid) |     0     |
> | mdbilal         |   972             |   422            |   1394    |
> | praveen & srud  |   2411.66         |   658.56         |   3070.22 |
> | terceiro        |   1182            |   567            |   1749    |
> | utkarsh         |   999             |   842            |   1841    |

Great! I'll use that table for the approval.

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