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Debian Edu sprint during MiniDebConf 2018 in Hamburg

Hi sprints team,

in accordance with sunweaver and h01ger, I would like to organise a 1-2
day sprint of the Debian Edu team, to take place during the MiniDebConf
in Hamburg, and scheduled for 18th and probably 17th of May, 2018.

The current list of participants includes:

 * natureshadow@ (myself, DD process approved, keyring update outstanding ;))
 * sunweaver@
 * holger@
 * schweer
 * tg@

There are some goals we talked about in advance:

 * Look into bugs with the install media which broke the standard
   installation after one of the last stretch point releases, to prevent
   those for buster
 * Talk about an agenda for Debian Edu and the needs of German schools
 * Some other work in preparation for the buster development cycle

As you might have heard, the community and "product" (as in support,
etc.) for Debian Edu / Skolelinux i nGermany has moved to Teckids e.V.,
the free software youth organisation, and there is need for coordination
between developers and the community of users.

A subgroup of these people will also work on packaging Movim, a
decentralised social network, for Debian. This will not happen during
this sprint necessarily, but the projects overlap, especially since
Movim is intended to be used in educational projects in Germany. The
upstream developer of Movim, Timothée Jaussoin (edhelas) will attend the
MiniDebconf and join in these efforts. Due to the relevance of the work
for educational use, and probably parts being packaged within the Debian
Edu packaging team, I would like to put this into the sprint planning

The location is set as we use the framework provided by the MiniDebConf,
also organised, among others, by h01ger.

Travel costs, right now, amount to 287 € for tg and me (together) and,
if his atendance can be covered, around 200 € for edhelas. We booked
this through Teckids e.V., but there frankly is not any budget yet for
Debian Edu. We hope to change that quickly, but right now, having travel
costs covered would be very helpful.

Cheers and thank you,

Dominik George (1. Vorstandsvorsitzender, pädagogischer Leiter)
Teckids e.V. - Erkunden, Entdecken, Erfinden.

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